
K. Mari-Cate Charles
6 min readMar 7, 2020


You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.” Proverbs‬ ‭27:17‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Writer, Ryan Brinson, has series of essays called SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR SINNERS AND SAINTS. In each essay Ryan revisits a biblical story learned in Sunday School through his lens as an adult. It’s is great writing, I use each essay as one of my religious studies for the week. Ryan without even knowing it has inspired me to come correct with this Lenten Series. You see last year I attempted to write for Lent and did only four pieces. So this year I mapped out 41 days of topics to write on; 1 on Shrove Tuesday, 20 biblical topics, 20 topics on my everyday life. One of my intentions of the series is to highlight five important people in my life through lens of Lent: my Mom, my husband, John, Alisha, Tramone and Rozella. All five of these wonderful humans inspire me in a different ways they are Christian and all practice their faith different from me.

On Thursday, I met Alisha for the first time or should I say we met in person for the first time in 9 years of friendship. Yes, I know what you the reader are thinking — whatttttt??? Let me explain…Alisha and I met in 2011 through a former mutual friend. The person had introduced us to each other via email. I can’t remember the exact day our friendship went from email to Skype then from Skype to phone conversation. I know when we started to FaceTime, November 2016. This is what I learned over the years about Alisha: brilliant, a delightful Christian, a wife, a mom, daughter, sister, writer and artist. We have seen each other through really tough times. We have also had great laughter too. Her daughter is an absolute delight. Even though I am older, Alisha is the one I mainly speak to about my insecurities as a wife. She has been married longer and has more experience regarding married life. We both have a chronic illnesses, mine more common, hers is vary rare. Alisha has shown me areas where I subconsciously have practiced ableism. “But Kiki” is how I know I am about to get the kindest rebuke. She is not afraid of my strong personality whatsoever. I truly appreciate that from her. People tip toeing around the “strong black woman” can be annoying. If you feel I am wrong say it. As I get older, I surround myself with people who say “Keesha, I disagree with you”. I digress, back to Alisha, this verse reminds me of how I feel about her “As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” The Hebrew word of knit is châbêr, khaw-bare’; an associate: — companion, fellow, knit together. It’s root word is châbar, khaw-bar’; a primitive root; to join (literally or figuratively); specifically (by means of spells) to fascinate: — charm(-er), be compact, couple (together), have fellowship with, heap up, join (self, together), league. Here I go getting academic again. Be patient I am going somewhere with this. When I see the Hebrew word and it’s meaning especially the root word this verse pops into my head “let no one split apart what God has joined together.” . Yes, I know Jesus was speaking in the context of marriage. However, I believe there certain friendships whether you hear or read its history, you can only say this is God . Earlier this year out of the blue I told my husband if anybody hurts Alisha, I would go to New Jersey , lose my Jesus and fight the person who did the harm. John smiled and said “you haven’t met her in person yet”. My response I love her, she has been an amazing friend to me. He says in a way that lets me know he fully understands my complete loyalty to Alisha “I know”. My soul is knit to hers. Jonathan and David like Naomi and Ruth had love for each other that many try to define with their own personal agenda, the only label I attach to theses friendships is God ordained.

As a Brooklyner, I am a a lot prejudiced against non New York City doctors and have been relentlessly harassing Alisha to come the city from New Jersey and get a city doctor. It finally happened. Alisha has a Dr. House kind of situation going on with her health (please pray for her). In all seriousness, I am grateful Alisha is going to doctors that know about her disease. All I want want for this sweet woman is complete healing in her body.

On Sunday afternoon I began to feel under the weather and slightly panicked that I may not be able to keep my Thursday meeting with Alisha. However, I refused to allow a cold/allergy and serious insomnia issues take me down. So I was extra careful, rearranged appointments and slept whenever my body would let me. Thursday was finally here and I was finally meeting two people who exuded black girl magic through their every movement. Walking through the doctor office, I saw Zoe and then Alisha. Zoe had kitten ears, Alisha was even more beautiful and also tinier in person. You know what happened? We began to speak on everything like we do on our weekly FaceTime conversations. When Alisha had to go in to sit with the doctor, Zoe with her natural charm mesmerized all sitting in the waiting room. After a while Alisha joined us again, we left the office and sat in a Starbucks for another two hours. Our conversations always runs the gamut, from Marvel, politics, Shaun King, Christianity, the tweets I sent her from Black Twitter. Nothing changed in that Starbucks, Alisha even indulged my love of hot mess ratchetness as she usually does. We are Blerds who love books. Our friendship is so organic and I like it like that.

The heartfelt counsel of a friend
is as sweet as perfume and incense.

Friendship and companionship is spoken about in all manners throughout the bible. God created humanity for relationship. As Christians, our friendships are to reflect Christ. I hope when people see Alisha and I, our friendship, they see Christ glorified. They see Christ in our laughter, joy, tears — whatever may come our way …. And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus…


Kiki, Alisha, Zoe

Alisha’s Blog:



K. Mari-Cate Charles

A born again chick on a new adventure in life. Love Banjos