The Real Reason I Refused to Suck Your Dick

And no, gag reflex and a cold had nothing to do with it

Kiki Wellington
Sex and Satire


Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

It was the age old question that always comes up eventually in a relationship: To suck or not to suck? In your case, the question may have come up a bit too late.

You see, I was quite happy to fuck you in the beginning. You seemed nice, charming, smart, funny, and you had the most adorable dimples I’d ever seen at the time. So we hopped naked along the bunny trail for those first few months without a care in the world.

Maybe if you really wanted your dick sucked, you should have stopped acting like one.

But then, as things tend to go, the cracks emerged. You weren’t as nice, charming, smart, and funny as you first seemed and the boorish things that started coming out of your mouth eclipsed the cuteness of those dimples. So by the time you felt comfortable enough to ask for more, I felt inclined to give less. The first time you asked, I managed to distract you with my tits and it didn’t come up again that night. The next time, I gave a few perfunctory licks, but stopped short of taking the whole enchilada because I was still able to use your sexual ADD to my advantage. Another time, I explained I had a sore throat from a cold — that you gave me…

