3 min readSep 27, 2018


I have been wandering around the fields of trading for almost 12 years now. During this period I learned and developed my own methods of trading and combined with the necessary experience it allows me today to provide a good life for me and my family.
Step by step, I successfully managed to unhook myself from the so-called standard economy system, the same system I now trade and profit on.
For me, it doesn’t matter if the marketplace goes up or down, I have the ability and skills to trade and profit on every asset.
Two years ago the crypto market started increasing significantly in volume which began to produce charts that could be technically analyzed and thus for me, crypto just became another asset to trade.

But, something happened, something I wasn’t prepared for when I first entered the crypto world.
A community was born and crypto suddenly became more than an asset to me, I started making friends with like-minded people and started to realize that crypto is a movement, something I never saw on commodities or forex trading.
Helping others in forex was always suspicious like it’s not supposed to happen like it’s wrong and you should beware of any tips or advice, it’s just you and the charts, trust no-one.
For the last couple of years, I was lucky enough to help some people who lost everything with stupid trades and big dreams, I helped them gain it all back and guided them and provided the tools to handle their trades and life. I got ill for a couple of months trying to absorb all the sadness in these people. It was a difficult time for me but nevertheless, this period made me stronger than ever.
Within this new Crypto world, I almost immediately find my place as a one that can help others and started dedicating myself to making sure I am doing the BEST I can to assist people to earn Money and enjoy the good things this market can provide.

The best way I could think of to make a significant impact was to make everything I know public, so I sat to put together a plan.
First, I will teach others how to trade with my powerful strategies.
Second, the Best of the Best will be my Partners in my new vision to bring our portfolio moves to the public for everyone to track and copy.
Together we will focus on what matters and start monitoring and tracking the marketplace for the best assets in the crypto market.
Third, I will get the best people I can to automate my strategy based on the human ability to find the trend movement direction.
That was a HARD job to do, converting heartbeat, stress, and sweat to mathematical functions.
Then I Met S.D.
There wasn’t any problem he couldn’t solve, for him, it was just a question of when.
When the team was ready, and the Algo was ready we needed to think what would be the name of the group which will include our agenda and philosophy.
So I told the team a story.
There was this boy who went to the pool with his parents, after a couple of hours, he was tired and hungry.
The boy sat by the poolside with his legs in the water eating a sandwich which his beloved mother made for him, enjoying the beautiful day, the warm sun, relaxed and calm, his legs moving slowly in the water kiking gently without any hidden thoughts, just focusing on the moment, saving it as a good memory for days to come.
That’s what we want for you, to be able to be freely kiking the water with no worries, whenever, wherever.

(that’s how a five years old child would write it)




WE ARE NInaLabs. the creators of the most Accurate Trend prediction Algo named NINA. Join us telegram