How to Design the Dust Collection System to Take Maximum Benefit Out of it?

Killer Filter, Inc.
2 min readFeb 8, 2017


The design and selection of the right equipment is an important aspect when setting up a dust collection system. The given article lists some important points that must be taken into consideration when setting up a dust collection system. By following the given considerations, you can get the most of your system. The first thing to do is to get detailed information about a dust collection system and for that you can search the web where you will get a lot of information related to that. In case you don’t find relevant information over the web, then what you could do is read some dust collection books.

After reading the books, you will surely know how to select a dust collection system. The main things that you have to follow while designing your dust collector system:

Use Rigid Metal Pipe and Metal Fittings — It is important for you to know that air travels smoothly through rigid metal pipe resulting in reduced static pressure, which will enhance the system’s efficiency. Not only this, it will also increase the lifespan of duct work.

Use Flexible Hose for Dust Collection — When you use just any hose for dust collection, then it will affect system’s efficiency whereas if you use a flexible hose, then your system will run for a longer duration of time. It is advised to use a clear wire-reinforced hose, which reduces the static pressure and is also good in spotting clogs and debris buildups.

Use Plastic Fittings to Connect Runs of Hose — It is advised to avoid joints in the hose and in case it is necessary to use joints, then use plastic fittings to connect hose joints. Plastic fittings produce less static pressure loss in difficult situations, which is a good thing.

Use Quick-Release Connectors — Quick-release connectors are optional and these are good for portable dust collector filters. These will make the movement of the system from one machine to the other in a quick and easier manner. These are also perfect for stationary systems because they minimize the time of setup cleaning and inspection.

Always Ground Your System’s Duct Work — The static electricity buildup in your system’s duct work presents a fire hazard like producing electric shock on contact. However, if the duct work is grounded, then there will be minimal chances of getting an electric shock on contact.

Following the above points, you will succeed in designing the best filtration system for your manufacturing unit.

About Author — The author of the article belongs to Killer Filter, Inc. The company is a leading online retailer of home and industrial filtration products such as home air filters, air housings, hydraulic filters and others.



Killer Filter, Inc.

Killer Filter, Inc. is one of the leading manufacturer of home and industrial filtration products based in Kaysville, UT.