Curation and Scheduling Tools for YouTube

Kimberly Schwamb
2 min readDec 1, 2016

When it comes to my personal experience posting on YouTube. I usually just take my time making my video perfect, and then post it when it’s done. Not paying any attention to the time or day I post it. Sometimes I will go weeks without posting and then inspiration sparks; and I’ll post two or three in less than a week. However, I am learning that this is not the way to go about it.

I need to find a way to post on a regular basis. While my family and friends will view my vlogs whenever I post them, if I want to gain subscribers and have a successful YouTube channel I should really begin posting on a very regular basis.

I have not found any apps to help with this for YouTube specifically, but I have found an article describing how to have the most effective YouTube channel. Some pieces of advice I’ve learned from Dara Fontein’s article are; post quality and useful content, pick your title and description wisely, put some effort into the look of your channel, personalize video thumbnails, post consistently, and keep it short. All of this is advice will come into play in my YouTube account from this point forward.

Klout is also a great tool to check on how your online platform is doing. I have linked my twitter account and my YouTube account with Klout to keep my klout score updated and accurate.

Screenshot of my Klout page

Each time I post a video on YouTube, I also share it on Twitter. This allows for more views since I have more followers on Twitter. I also have the link to my YouTube channel on my Twitter page, allowing viewers to see more of what I do.

Screenshot of my YouTube channel

Scheduling and curation are both very useful skills. I hope I will grow in these areas for the sake of my vlog.

Thanks for reading!


