Defining Anchor Text

Kimberly Schwamb
4 min readNov 2, 2016


This weeks class assignment was to create a presentation to the class about Anchor Text. There were several programs to use to create these presentations. Some examples are; Rawshorts, Prezi, Adobe Premiere Pro, Animoto, and iMovie.

Image taken from wikimedia

My group and I used Prezi. Prezi is an online presentation tool. It uses a zooming effect to move from slide to slide in 3D space. It was my first time using it and I found it quite complex. The overall presentation was visually distracting. The constant zooming in and out made me a little bit dizzy. Which took away from the content of the presentation. We were told it had to play on it’s own, so we had to choose a certain time for each slide to stay on screen. This was very frustrating because not all of our slides required the same amount of time to be read. It would have been preferable if we could’ve set a custom time for each slide. I think overall, our message got across but it was without doubt, too fast.

Image taken from oxycopyrightandculture

Some other groups used Rawshorts. Rawshorts is also an online presentation tool. It uses cartoons, animations, word-art, and colors to depict the topic. I think that this was a good program to choose but I did not like that the actual video wasn’t in full screen. I felt that it drew attention away from the actual video. I found my eye wandering over to the slides coming up and how long each slide would last. I think it was cool that the program let you pick the time for each slide and customize everything to your liking. I think this program is definitely better than the one I used (Prezi).

Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing software that I actually use quite frequently. I have been keeping a vlog (video blog), called KimBound, of my experiences abroad and I use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit everything. It has many great features such as; video/audio effects, video/audio effects, video/audio transitions, and much more! I think for this kind of presentation it was not appropriate to use. We were told we could film each other to describe Anchor Text; but in my opinion, the video made on Adobe Premiere didn’t quite get the message across. Maybe it’s because I’ve used Adobe so much that to me I know there is so much more you can do with it. The sound was almost inaudible and they could’ve easily raised the volume on Premiere. I would not have chosen this program if I was in this group.

Image taken from my Vlog

Animoto is a video creating software that takes pictures, videos, and music and turns it into a slideshows. Some cons of this program are; you can only upload ten pictures for free, you must add music in order to make a video, all the slides have the same duration and it can’t be changed, you can’t edit pictures, for a better version you have to pay. One con of Animoto is that it is very easy to use. In conclusion, I would not use this program because the cons out weigh the pros.

iMovie is another video editor that comes with a Mac computer, phone, or iPad. It has a lot of variability to pick your own effects and transitions and time or speed of an image or video. However you can’t import MP4 videos, which is the format of most videos nowadays. I used to use iMovie before I learned about Premiere. In my opinion, Premiere is way better than iMovie.

Image taken from staticflickr

In the future, if I could do my presentation over again I wouldn’t have used Prezi. Prezi is too visually distracting to use to describe something. If I could do it over I would’ve used Rawshorts as that seemed to be the one where the videos came out the best. There are cons to this program, but overall it seemed to be better than the others.


