Dead People Don’t Create
Are you alive and well and energized?
Since you’re reading this you must be alive. That’s helpful.
You may also be an artist. It doesn’t matter what kind of creative person you are. The important thing is whether or not you feel alive and well and able to create. And are you curious to know more about those energies you use to create, and how to improve them?
Unfortunately, some people are alive but not energized to create. Many times simply being aware of what’s going on helps to alleviate the problem.
(If you don’t think you are an “artist,” substitute whatever you create in place of the word “art” or “artist.”)
The Four Energy Systems
Artists are energetic beings, using their energy to create art. The art they create projects energy outward and affects people.
Human beings have four energy systems:
• Physical energy
• Emotional energy
• Mental energy
• Spiritual energy
Art ALSO has four energy systems:
▪ Physical aspects
▪ Emotional content
▪ Mental stimulation
▪ Spiritual ambiance
Energy Creates Art which Creates Energy
Artists use all four energy systems to create their art, whether they realize it or not. But when they ARE aware of these energy systems they are better able to control or direct their energies in ways that help them create.
In addition, artists who are aware of the four energy systems their art projects are better able to make decisions in the content of their art.
Art and energy intertwined
Recently I had this energy epiphany, this Aha! moment. I’m sure other artists have realized this concept, yet it is an integration of all I’ve learned up to this point, started all my wheels turning, and so decided to write about the idea.
All this pursuit of understanding art and energy started for me back in 1988 when I started learning Old Masters painting techniques. One of the many things being taught was how to instill emotion into painting. About that same time I also started learning energy healing. It didn’t take much to put the two together, and that’s what I’ve been researching and playing with ever since.
The Energy Outline
I’ve got a ton of writing on this subject, so am making a series of it.
This post is an overview of the whole Energy Creates Art which Creates Energy concept, and may be all the food-for-thought you want. But if this taste doesn’t satisfy your curiosity hunger, watch for the future posts.
The Artist as a Physical Energy Being
Humans are animals. I know that irritates some folks, but it is fact, so let’s go with it.
As an animal you have certain physical characteristics and needs. When those needs are not met your physical energy goes down and it gets harder and harder to do what you want. You may have physical limitations that you need to pay attention to as well.
As a creative animal you want to do your best to honor your physicality so you can make the art you are inspired to, within the abilities you do have.
Develop your liveliness and physical energy.
The Artist as an Emotional Energy Being
Emotions are more powerful than the mind. When your emotions are down you cannot create no matter how hard you try. You might be able to produce out of habit, but you won’t feel inspired. It is imperative to find ways to elevate your attitude to get back into the creative mode.
High creativity words include: enthusiasm, curiosity, joy, inspiration, bliss, engagement, serenity, love. These are emotions that create positive energy in your heart-center.
(I’ll explore the “angry-artist” in a bigger article.)
The Artist as a Mental Energy Being
Creativity doesn’t happen in just the right hemisphere of your mind. Creativity is an integration of right and left hemispheres working harmoniously together. Your brain also has compartments of information that need to have good communication with the other compartments for maximum flow-ability. (I learned this when my mom had mini-strokes and lost just pieces of her mental ability.)
Science tells us that the right-brain is fluid, flexible, intuitive, imaginative;
while the left-brain is analytical, linear, calculating, practical.
True creativity happens when the left-analytical appreciates the right-imaginative options, and can thus devise a left-linear approach/plan of action to make the right-brain-ideas become tangible reality.
Appreciate your whole mind.
Find ways to stimulate and energize your brain.
The Artist as a Spiritual Energy Being
Whether you are religious or spiritually oriented, you believe there is more to life than meets the senses. There are greater energies available to you at all times.
Whenever you’ve had the experience of receiving an inspiration, that’s exactly what it feels like. You have a sense that you were given an idea, that it came from something more profound than your own mind or little ego.
The creative Flow is like that. The wonderment happens when you come out of that flow-state, see what you’ve created, and am surprised by it: “Did I just create that?” Then you know what it’s like to be “inspired” to be connected “in-spirit.”
The spiritual energy is where you’ll find the Joy of Creativity.
The Artist as an Integrated Energy Being
The 4 energy aspects of you are not separate — all integrate and affect all the others.
When one energy system is low it tends to pull down the others. Conversely, allowing yourself to be aware of what energy systems are high for you enables you to “pull-up” any energy system that is less than you would like it to be. It’s about mindfulness, awareness and being able to positively focus.
Art as a Physical Energy Object
Art is taken in by one or more of the senses:
• visual art, physical eyes
• musical art, a physical vibration for the ears
• written art is visual/mental
• culinary art/food is multi-sensory
• blind people can sometimes touch physical art, or writing, to “see” it
• deaf people can sometimes feel vibrations of music to “hear” it
Consider the physical energy of the art you create and how others will perceive of it.
Art as an Emotional Energy Object
Remember that emotions are more powerful than the mind. When you are able to infuse your art with emotion, all who connect with it will feel the emotion at a subliminal level. Some will be consciously aware of the feeling, while others won’t be, but all will be affected by it.
There are various ways to put emotion into art, depending on the art you create.
Be mindful of the energy of emotion your art projects.
Art as a Mental Energy Object
The order of awareness of a piece of art is specific and consistent across all humanity.
• First there is awareness of the physical existence of the creation.
• Second there is an emotional response to it.
• Third is the internal mental dialogue about it.
Because we are thinkers, there will always be a mental evaluation regarding the art.
Create what you want to create from your heart, and don’t make what others think about your art your motivation. What may be interesting is to find out what others think, to compare with your goals; are they getting the message you desire. You may or may not care about that, just know that your art will stimulate thinking.
Art as a Spiritual Energy Object
Does your art:
• uplift or depress?
• depict harmony or chaos?
• feel positive or negative?
• contribute to a solution or add to a problem?
In the book Power Of Intention, Dr. Wayne Dyer goes into detail about why kinesiology works, how it is impossible for our bodies to lie to us. You can test whether something is nurturing or damaging to your well-being simply by holding or being present with a thing and checking to see if you are stronger or weaker.
Art has power simply by existing in a space.
Consider the energy your art projects.
Art as an Integrated Energy Object
All the energy factors come together as an integrated whole. All of your energies create all the energies of the art you create. There is no separation. Your art becomes an energy in its own right.
Like a child you nurture and raise and send out into the world, what will your art do once it leaves your hands.
The expanded ideas continue
I’ve expanded all these concepts with a lot more information and ideas to think about. Watch for those articles.
Thank you for spending time with me as I explore the concept:
Energy Creates Art which Creates Energy
Bless you on your creative journey!
Kim Victoria
I write the story behind the art for all the paintings I create, including the intention/energy I wanted to impart. Read those on my artist blog.