3 Key Elements to Feeling Accomplished

Which one do you need more of?

Kim Witten, PhD
5 min readDec 7, 2022


Background of deep red triangles with highlights and shadows like facets of a stone. Text overlay reads: The 3 things you need to feel accomplished
Background image by Dymentyd on Getty Images

“an achievement is something that is accomplished particularly by great effort, courage, or special skills.”

The definition of achievement above gives us some clues to the key elements of feeling good about our work. That is, what goes into feeling accomplished.

Procrastination coach Cristina Roman has taken this definition of achievement a bit further and created a broader concept around it — you can watch her 8-min video here.

The gist is that there are three things you need to achieve a goal and feel good about it:

  • Courage — are you putting yourself out there?
  • Effort — are you putting in sufficient time and energy?
  • Skill — do you have the expertise and experience to do this?

Therefore, feeling accomplished is the trifecta of courage, effort, and skill.

Which one you need more of today: courage, effort, or skill?



Kim Witten, PhD

Helping overwhelmed creatives and small business owners make sense of things. Get unstuck every Thursday with Hold That Thought at www.witten.kim/subscribe