In Your Workplace Darkroom

How to go on when you have your doubts

Kim Witten, PhD
2 min readFeb 18, 2024


A person stands in a darkroom, processing photos. Red light bathes everything.
Photo by Francisco Gonzalez on Unsplash

I’ve had many job roles in as many fields and one thing I know from all of them is this: when in doubt, trust the process. This is true in research, in design, and in coaching. I know it holds in other careers and situations, too.

“I wasn’t sure we were going to get there at the start but now that we’re at the end, I am absolutely amazed at how much we covered!”

This quote summarises my past week perfectly.

It speaks to how I felt, but more importantly, what I heard reflected back to me from coaching clients, as they shared their thoughts on the session they just had.

Which isn’t to say we ignored the worries; we all had them. We got through because, despite those concerns, we believed in what we were doing. Maybe not completely at the start, but enough to make it true by the end.

Take the doubt with you, but also your hope

Trusting what you’re doing is carrying on despite the doubts. Or even making space specifically for them.

It’s hoping that the time spent is going to be valuable, and doing your best with the ‘not knowing’ to ensure that…



Kim Witten, PhD

Helping overwhelmed creatives and small business owners make sense of things. Get unstuck every Thursday with Hold That Thought at