Nobody can waste your time

And how to make that true

Kim Witten, PhD
8 min readAug 31, 2023


Many people in stadium seating. Several are bored or sleeping. At least two people are attentive, facing forward and looking curiously at the camera.
Photo by JBryson from Getty Images Pro.

It’s not possible for someone to waste your time. After all, nobody has that much control over you. Or of time.

Here’s what’s happening when we feel like our time has been wasted. And how we can turn that around.

What we are really saying

When we say that someone or something wasted our time, what we mean is that we didn’t get the value we expected from the interaction or experience.

But what if that weren’t possible?

There’s always value to be had. And we can even shift our expectations to ensure it.

When we talk about wasting time, what we’re really talking about is attention. We want our attention to be well-spent. For it to matter and feel meaningful.

What if we could find value in any time spent, doing anything at all?

This is possible, but it requires a small mindset shift.

An important point

I am not talking about being ceaselessly positive about every experience. Or seeing the beauty in everything. That’s exhausting. Also, not realistic or sustainable.

Things will bore us. We will be displeased. Made uncomfortable. Laden with extra work. Sent…



Kim Witten, PhD

Helping overwhelmed creatives and small business owners make sense of things. Get unstuck every Thursday with Hold That Thought at