Kim D. Bailey
2 min readOct 19, 2016


I found writing to be my therapy. I went to counseling, of course. I attended a sexual assault survivors group for years. My kids remember it as “Going to the yellow house on Fridays to play.” They are 30, 27, 25 and 20 now. I taught my 3 sons and daughter that they were powerful, and their privacy was to be respected. I told them they could tell me anything, and I would never ever think less of them, would love them and help them always. I gave birth to 3 girls and one boy. My oldest and youngest are trans. They felt safe coming to me about it. It wasn’t perfect — no. I made mistakes, as do all parents. But they are shining examples of what healing can do, how I went from a wounded animal to a survivor, to someone who now thrives. I still have lapses, yes. I also have an eating disorder and it rears its ugly head when I’m under great stress. I wrote my story about being molested by a neighbor when I was 11 and how I confronted him two years ago. It was published this September in The Scarlet Leaf Review, AND it was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. I have a blog, Breaking the Legacy of Silence, and a column with Five 2 One Magazine online with the same title. I tell truths people usually don’t discuss at party or at the dinner table. It’s helping me, but it’s helping others! That’s where the last part comes in. I give and I get, and I am a survivor, thriving, telling the world I’m awesome despite it all, and touching the lives of others who need to know they are not alone. Thank you for being you!



Kim D. Bailey

Kim is a published author and Pushcart Nominee from Chattanooga, TN. Her work can be read in several online and print literary journals.