Negative Views On Self-Worth

Kimberly Billingslea
2 min readJan 11, 2020

If you have master the art of negative thinking; it will have a heavy load on your conscience

A person will become easily angry by the most littlest offenses

Depression will be apart of the person life

You maybe asking “ How do I know this?” Did I study this in school? No, I did not

I have learned this from experiences and from other people failures

I want to teach you in this article the

Steps to be free

Prayer will ease your mind, it did it for me

I didn’t realize I was negative at one point until I surrounded myself with negative minded people

Stop focusing on the negative events in your past; or reflecting on the present negative moments that took you out of character

I had developed this character trait in the past, remember what I just stated in the past, that was and is apart of my past flaw of character traits

I want you to breathe and be calm and knowing and unknowingly that everything will soon get better

No, one has power over the day events in life, so if you make a mistake get past the mistakes and move forward

But, do not sit in the past with a mindset of failure or defeat that will cripple you are bring you into a mental breakdown little-by-little when one’s mind is trapped in a vicious cycle of


See yourself how you see a negative person whom just reacted in your past life or current moments

Tell yourself you will not behave in that place ever

Let PEACE be your friend

Allowing peace in your life no matter what comes your way. You will begin to see in your mind the old patterns was a downplay of the old YOU

Be different, become a better you everyday

One milestone at a time



Kimberly Billingslea

Blogger, Freelancer, E-Books, & Podcast Show "Reckless Thoughts To Empowerment," and Advice Specialist & Business Owner