Kimberly Billingslea
3 min readJan 23, 2020

Socially Awkward

And misunderstood

Are you suffering from social anxiety disorder or social awkwardness …? Many people suffer in silence from social anxiety disorder; which isn’t easy to overcome

I’m going to go an little deeper into this topic, because trauma relates to becoming socially awkward.

I’m being carefree with the word awkward, but the individual whom have to experience the inner thoughts that’s robbing their moment of peace is due to being traumatized in their childhood


Trauma is such a scary word when one has been physically, emotionally or sexually scarred from childhood. Trauma causes many reckless behaviors, but developing social anxiety along the way causes a person to feel devastated

So, let’s talk a little about some affects of being socially awkward or having social anxiety disorder

  • Isolation is clearly the very first because it’s more comfortable being alone than having concerns of what other people feel ( judgment)
  • Worrying is an trigger because when your consumed with one’s thoughts. Worrying will become attached to the trauma; which is associated with the mental attacks of social anxiety disorder
  • Fear is the greatest attack because it’s overpowered by the tricks of the mind

Coping with Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Awkwardness

Coping with anything in life can lead to stress so imagine an person having to cope with Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Awkward behaviors

Coping with a mental illness isn’t easy, but getting professional therapy is important for an person overall mindset along the way

So, how do a person cope….?

Coping is the beginning, but it’s truly identifying the problem first and knowing it has affected most aspects of a person’s life

When a person begins to face their mental illness or trauma; which have created this disorder or awkwardness behavior around others. It slowly becomes easy to heal along the way when coping


Most people feel awkward, or uncomfortable or judged when going to the therapist “office”

Once a individual gets over the negative thoughts of the stigma associated with therapy. The process can begin, slowly

Talk therapy is a awesome beginning coping solution, because now the individual is exposing their flaws and everyone have flaws

Begin To Live

Truly living life is appreciating the beauty of the smallness details of an plant, or family or even great friends

Some people haven’t really experience life, because trauma has become their life

It’s so important to have someone in your life.

If you know someone experiencing trauma from childhood, or in their early youthful year’s than reach out and speak with the individual. You could possibly be saving a life

I strongly advocate for individuals whom struggle with trauma, or past failures in their life; which I call “A beautiful Journey.” I know life is tough sometimes

So, I know having someone in your life is very important especially in your community

Never wait to seek help when it has been so overwhelming, because trauma affects a person overall health if not treated properly

So, I truly urge a individual to seek therapy or group therapy

I hope you have been informed with some advice or information that will provoke transformation into becoming empowered from childhood trauma

Change is healing one day at a time

If you have a primary care physician take the time to get medical treatment to make sure your physically well than contact your insurance for a provider whom will take your insurance for therapy

Kimberly Billingslea

Blogger, Freelancer, E-Books, & Podcast Show "Reckless Thoughts To Empowerment," and Advice Specialist & Business Owner