Jacob McCabe
1 min readOct 10, 2017


Thank you for showing your true colors and your never ending racism against white people that didn’t enslave you, don’t enslave in the modern world and certainly don’t owe you reparations because you’re too lazy to find a job and want to suck on Mother Governments titties. Whites bought black Slaves of Black slave owners, also implying color of any person which has sickened me to see you do is discrimination against the Human Race, all of us have so many different amounts of DNA in us no one is 100% white or 100% black, we’re all just Human beings, but acting like this is showing us you as an individual is lesser than those humans who just want progress in the world which isn’t liberalism, it’s working hard to keep our economy growing, saving money to leave to our children, and ensuring we just enjoy our short time on earth instead of crying about something that happened many years ago you personally weren’t forced int, and never will be. Stop being such a whiny bitch and enjoy the short time you have left on this incredible planet, since I’ve done that all the discrimination problems in life have faded away and I’m a happier person. Before you attack me for being white and not being able to have an opinion on discrimination, I’m gay so I’ve felt a lot of violent and verbally harassing discrimination in life.

