From Skeptic to Seeker: The Spiritual Transformation of Virat Kohli and Many Others

Harshraj Singh
4 min readJust now


Virat Kohli, one of the most formidable cricketers of our time, once famously quipped during a media conference, “Do I look like your Pooja-Path type guy?” This candid remark painted a picture of a man grounded in practicality and focused on the physical demands of his sport. Yet, in a surprising twist, recent glimpses into Kohli’s personal life reveal a stark transformation. A wallpaper of Neem Karoli Baba, a revered spiritual figure, now adorns his phone. This shift has not gone unnoticed, prompting many to wonder: Why do individuals, even those seemingly rooted in materialism, often embrace spirituality after years of life experience?

The Seeds of Change

Life is an unpredictable journey, filled with triumphs, trials, and transformations. For many, the pursuit of success, fame, and wealth dominates the early years. However, as individuals achieve these goals, they often find that material accomplishments alone do not satisfy the deeper cravings of the human spirit. This realization sets the stage for a profound internal shift.

Virat Kohli: A Case Study

Kohli’s journey from a fiery, ambitious young cricketer to a more reflective, spiritually inclined individual is emblematic of this transition. His early career was marked by intense focus on his performance, fitness, and competitive edge. Yet, as he matured, both personally and professionally, he encountered the inevitable highs and lows that accompany a life in the spotlight.

The loss of his father at a young age, the pressures of maintaining peak performance, and the scrutiny of being a public figure likely contributed to moments of introspection. In such times, many seek solace and answers beyond the tangible world. For Kohli, embracing spirituality may have provided a sense of peace, grounding, and a deeper understanding of his purpose beyond cricket.

The Universal Quest for Meaning

Kohli’s spiritual awakening is not an isolated phenomenon. Many high-achieving individuals, from celebrities to business moguls, often turn to spirituality after reaching the pinnacles of their careers. This shift can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Inner Fulfillment: Material success often highlights the emptiness that can accompany it. Spirituality offers a path to inner peace and fulfillment that external achievements cannot provide.
  2. Stress and Coping: The relentless pressures of modern life can lead to burnout. Spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness help manage stress and cultivate resilience.
  3. Search for Purpose: As individuals age, the quest for meaning becomes more pronounced. Spirituality provides a framework for understanding one’s place in the universe and a sense of connection to something greater.
  4. Mortality and Legacy: Encounters with mortality, whether through personal loss or existential reflection, prompt deeper questions about life’s purpose and legacy. Spirituality offers comforting perspectives on life, death, and the continuity of the soul.

Neem Karoli Baba: A Beacon of Spirituality

Neem Karoli Baba, whose image now graces Kohli’s phone, was a spiritual guru whose teachings emphasized love, service, and devotion. His influence has drawn countless followers, including notable figures like Steve Jobs and Julia Roberts. The teachings of such spiritual leaders resonate with those seeking simplicity, humility, and a deeper connection to their inner selves.

Conclusion: Embracing the Spiritual Journey

The spiritual transformation of Virat Kohli and others underscores a universal truth: no matter how successful or accomplished one may be, the human spirit yearns for deeper meaning and connection. Embracing spirituality is not a sign of weakness or retreat from the world but a powerful affirmation of the quest for true fulfillment.

In the end, the journey to spirituality is deeply personal and unique to each individual. Whether prompted by life’s challenges, the search for inner peace, or the desire to connect with something greater, this path often leads to profound transformations. As we observe these changes in figures like Virat Kohli, we are reminded of the enduring power of the human spirit to seek, grow, and evolve.



Harshraj Singh

Dynamic Project Executive & Business Analyst | Specializing in IT Project Leadership and Data Analysis