$MUKI: Becoming a King

King of the Mountain
5 min readAug 30, 2022


Many have asked the developer of $MUKI: What does it take to become a King today?

In the modern world it can be difficult to find an answer as the power of nobility from days past is relegated to mere symbolism. Kings and Queens of old became victims of their own inertia and are now sentenced to watch their wealth fade as new powers emerge through technological revolution. Those who immersed themselves in developing the digital age would become the new behemoths of finance.

One advancement that would become known as “cryptocurrency” would allow for many new figures to achieve kingship. Trailblazers who anticipated the shift to decentralized money and established themselves early in the crypto community have been rewarded with riches and control over their own destiny. In the year 2016 many wondered if they were too late to achieve greatness through crypto or whether it would become a passing trend. The developer of $MUKI, though hesitant to begin, saw the potential in the sector; with the resources at his disposal he dove into the world of mining Ethereum. His decision preceded the exponential growth of Vitalik Buterin’s coin and this allowed him to become The Mountain King, ruler of his own domain through the ingenuity of tech.

Though still laboring long days in the mines of his family, the future king would use his limited breaks from work to research world events on his laptop. He always wanted to stay informed about major societal advancements in. In 2016 while reading technology forums, he stumbled upon an article about Bitcoin, the very first cryptocurrency. BTC was a brand-new asset class that anyone willing could add value to by validating transactions on their computer; a curious discovery that many in the media and online forums asserted to be a waste of time and resources. However, the $MUKI developer would not be so naïve. The ability to create more value for himself and his family without the health ramifications of real mining was too enticing.

If cryptocurrency could allow for financial independence and stability with only his laptop, it was worth an attempt.

Upon further inquiry into the field of cryptocurrency the $MUKI developer became aware of the Ethereum blockchain, an evolution in the world of cryptocurrency that he believed would change the world of finance. Smart contract technology and programmable applications would allow for exciting utility never dreamed of before. He knew immediately that mining Ethereum would be the best use of his resources regardless of the nay-sayers and their presumptions. With his laptop he was solving complex cryptographic hash puzzles and accumulating ETH, all while he continued working in his family’s mine. At the time fewer people were mining the coin and the technical requirements for the process were much lower. Anyone with a computer and faith in crypto could have made the same decision. He may have believed in the value of the Ethereum ecosystem, but he never thought its growth would be so rapid. By 2017 he was able to fulfill his family’s wishes of finding life outside of the depths of a mining operation.

Not to become a victim of the mistakes of past Kings, the developer of $MUKI refused to keep his wealth idle. To remain successful, one must adapt and grow with their investments. Technology advances quickly and is always offering new opportunity to those who look. Not unlike today, the Ethereum ecosystem offered soon-to-be profitable projects for ETH holders to invest in. With the advantages he received from stockpiling Ethereum he was able to explore the world of decentralized finance. Meme tokens and NFTs were just beginning to become fixtures in the crypto world and once again The Mountain King was well aware of the importance of such projects. Even in the year 2022 the space is always changing and there will be new occasions for new kings to receive their crowns. $MUKI, The Mining Dwarf token, was created for those who wish to share in the real story of an originator in the space and become rulers of their own domains.

With the impending Ethereum merger he can offer guidance during tumultuous and unsure times.

Though many crypto miners and holders are undecided about the future of Ethereum due to the move to proof-of-stake, the creator of $MUKI does not share their fears. Change is critical to allow new inventions to flourish. If the sector decides to stagnate so will its growth and inventiveness. This is another huge advancement for the Ethereum ecosystem and through moving from being a proof-of-work coin, it opens the door for new opportunities. Both the mining and use of Ethereum have led to it becoming oversaturated and the days of mining from your laptop are gone. Only hardware juggernauts with warehouses of graphics cards or ASIC miners are truly profiting these days, and with rising electricity costs this has become even more apparent. The Ethereum merger will bring a needed change to the current system that will decrease the congestion and manipulation by mining validators.

During these days of indecision, the developer of $MUKI The Mining Dwarf has decided to offer his own platform to alleviate the worries of fellow Ethereum holders. Launched on Aug 29th on his favorite blockchain, holders can engage and profit with him. The token was paired with USDC to best represent the stable value of $MUKI without worry of overall market price action. The 5% fee on transactions is present to effectively expand the project and its utility. 1% is automatically added to the liquidity, and 4% is used for the expansion of the project’s uses on the Ethereum Blockchain. Though not wanting to spoil the surprise of his plans, the developer implores everyone to join their Telegram, follow the $MUKI Twitter page, and buy and hold the token in anticipation. The utility under development will be a testament to his mining culture.

You will not want to miss the opportunity to be at the forefront of crypto innovation and become a king yourself.

$Muki, The Mining Dwarf

