Ponzi Rugs V2 — The Ruggables

8 min readMar 18, 2022


By Qwerty#5555 and Kingpin#0002

This Medium article provides a brief overview of our vision for Ponzi Rugs V2. More detailed articles will follow with gas estimates, in-depth utility breakdown and art. Details as of March 2022 — subject to change based on community feedback, playtesting, simulation, etc. Work in a progress — open to feedback.

Ponzi Rugs?
When we release Ponzi Rugs, we rugged everyone. It was a complete stealth launch. 90 builders and innovators in a locked Discord. No website, no marketing. Just three friends and a contract. It was supposed to be a 1250 collection at 0.06 ETH. We never minted out.

We capped the collection at 307 and kept building. We harboured a genuine and fully organic community with transparent communication and clear expectations. Ponzi Rugs quickly became popular through alpha Discords. Not only did our Rugs look great as banners, they also became backgrounds for PFPs.

Our collection is special because it is 100% stored and generated on the Ethereum blockchain. No IPFS. NO API. Furthermore, only 307 Ponzi Rugs exist; the rest of the collection is lost until the end of time. Ponzi Rugs are an essential part of our V2 project.


Our Goals for V2
We want to release a complete product from the start. No bullshit. No long roadmaps. Investors get what they pay for immediately.

Ponzi Rugs V2 will be a fully on-chain PFP collection with genuinely fun utility. The placeholder name for this project is The Ruggables (V2).

  • Inspired by our first project, Ponzi Rugs, we want to stay true to the idea of rugging others.
  • Based on psychology and game theory, we want to introduce simple mechanics with large implications. Something easy to understand that encourages teamwork, timing and creativity.
  • We want to remain 100% on-chain.
  • We aim to create a product that is innovative and fresh in the space. Furthermore, it’s important to implement utility for our genesis collection. This will be accomplished through interactive and rewarding mechanics. Ponzi Rugs V2 collection will introduce an entirely new mechanic into the NFT space.
Fully On-Chain: SVG Wizard

Core Mechanics (TL; DR)
Both Ponzi Rugs (PR) and Ruggables (V2) generate $PULL token through soft staking.

$PULL is utilized to attack and defend the metadata of a Funny Ruggable JPEG.

Fundamentally, $PULL is used to rug someone’s V2. Rugging means attacking the metadata of their NFT. Successfully winning an attack permanently modifies the NFT’s image and traits.

Through a tiered rarity system, the goal is to gradually upgrade rarity by rugging others and obtaining more desirable attributes. Hence, players can only attack a Ruggables with relatively similar rarity to theirs.

More importantly, players can join or create a rally. Rallies allow holders to attack a specific NFT as a group. This encourages teamwork, community and timing. For example, a Discord community can join forces and collectively rug a whale, influencer, or friend.

Ruggables have varied $PULL generation depending on their rarity. This encourages players to rug others but also to defend themselves.

Ponzi Rugs holders have a distinct advantage. Ponzi Rugs are not ruggable (cannot be attacked). Ponzi Rugs generate $PULL constantly. Owning a Ponzi Rugs enables holders to lock the metadata of a Ruggables, preventing it from getting rugged.

Players are rewarded for successful attacks and defenses to incentivize core
gameplay. Our tokenomics encourage deflationary usage of $PULL through burn mechanics.

While playing from the contract is possible, a website with an user-friendly interface will fascilitate gameplay. Interactive leaderboards of most rugged NFTs and ongoing rallies for people to join.

Royalties used to fund a $PULL liquidity pool.

Everything fully on-chain.

In-depth Mechanics Breakdown
In the following pages, we have outlined the pros and cons of various types of utility that are possible. At the end of this document, we have consolidated all ideas to achieve the best outcome for our project.

We strongly encourage community feedback and ideas to shape our future.

Let’s build.


First Layer: Attack
Ponzi Rugs (PR) and Ruggables (V2) generate $PULL. The Token allows players to reroll the metadata of a V2. Attack has three options:

  • A) Attacks and defenses are instantaneous.
    Pros: Simpler to understand and play.
    Cons: Players have no time to defend when attacked. Snipers can beat the community. If attacks are instanteneous, it becomes impossible to do community raids.
  • B) Attacks have a delay before going through; defense is instantaneous.
    Pros: Still simple to understand, it gives the defendant a chance to get help or get more $PULL to defend themselves better.
    Cons: When attacks are restrained, communities raids are harder to do.
  • C) Implementing rallies. A single attack creates a rally (for a certain period). $PULL holders can contribute to the attack using their tokens. $PULL is added to the rally instanteniously.
    Pros: Everyone can create a rally or participate in one, creating community engagement and opening the door to vast possibilities. Players have time to defend their NFT against incoming rallies.
    Cons: Harder to defend because people can coordinate attacks better.
Figure 1: Sample Rally

Bounty System for Rallies
Bounty consists of the initial amount of $PULL used to rug an NFT. The higher the primary contribution, the more incentive to participate. The creator of the rally does not earn $PULL if the attack is successful.

Instead, the bounty is distributed amonst players that join the rally, proportinate to their contribution. It creates a fun game where holders can choose to help the defendant to burn more $PULL or help the rally to earn $PULL.

Figure 2: Sample Rally With Numbers

Second Layer: Rarity
There is a tiered rarity system, where a certain rarity can only exist a set number of times. When every medium and high rarity tier bracket is full, players with lower tiers must aim to reroll rarer to obtain more desirable attributes. Rarity has four options:

  • A) The mint function and the reroll use the same function (random reroll).
    Pros: Fair to everyone that participate in a rally.
    Cons: Even if an attack is successful, players can obtain an identical NFT or rarity. When a player rugs themselves, the chances of receiving a rarity spot is the same. Randomness on-chain fascilitates more exploits.
  • B) Same as A) but the odds of obtaining a rare are increased.
    Pros: Higher chances of getting a rare NFT when holders rug themselves(if possible). It is harder to obtain a rarer NFT.
    Cons: Gas intensive. Snipers can rug themselves to steal someone’s rarity when someone gets rerolled. Randomness on-chain fascilitates more exploits.
  • C) If an attack is successful, the two Ruggables swap rarity and get rerolled.
    Pros: It encourage people to reroll each other and high rarity Ruggables.
    Cons: Cost a more gas to successfully reroll someone since it requires to change the metadata of 2 NFTS on-chain. (It won’t change the price of only reducing the defense of someone).
  • D) Same as C) but players can only reroll up to one or two rarities above theirs.
    Pros: It encourage people to reroll each other and high rarity Ruggables.
    Cons: The rally mechanic is necessary.
Ruggables male traits

Third Layer: Defense
Each unit of $PULL can be used to destroy an unit of defense. To avoid getting rugged, $PULL can be staked as defense on any Ruggables. They have a base defense stat. If attacked and successfully rugged, defense increases cumulatively (the generated $PULL is static, usable only in defense and is be burned first when attacked). Defense has two options:

  • A) Linear defense: 1 $PULL = 1 Defense
  • B) Scalar defense: 1 $PULL = X Defense, where X is a number based on the rarity of the Ruggables; the higher the rarity the higher the defense. Cons: Makes the $PULL token generation harder to balance correctly. For example, rarer NFTs become almost unruggable.
Figure 3: Defense

Fourth Layer: Project Duration
What is the duration of the project?

  • A) The reroll is allowed to continue indefinitely.
    Pros: Rugging continues to be possible until the end of the Ethereum blockchain.
    Cons: The difficulty to reroll someone must increase with time to keep it challenging.
  • B) The metadata locked after a period.
    Pros: Faster paced. More stability, higher rarities sell for more on secondary.
    Cons: Need new utility for $PULL after rugging ends.
  • C) Having distinct Rugging Seasons where rugging is allowed, followed by periods where attacks are disabled and trait are locked.

Fifth Layer: $PULL Generation
Token generation (one of the two options).

  • A) Every Ruggables generate 1 $PULL per period chosen, disregarding rarity.
  • B) The quantity of pull Generated depends on rarity. For example, a rare one would generate more $PULL than a common.

Token generation through time (one of the two options).

  • A) Static: The number of $PULL a V2 generates never changes.
  • B) Decreasing: The amount of $PULL generated decreases with time until a set floor.

The Consolidation
The following is our vision on how the utility token should be used:

Holders are able to create rally to attack. If the rally is successful, we want participants to be rewarded with a bounty proportional to their $PULL contribution (Figure 2). If the rally fails, the rally $PULL is be converted in static defense for the defender (Figure 3).

We want 1 $PULL to equal 1 defense to ensure fair gameplay.

We want to a have cumulative static defenses that increases each time an NFT is rugged, to prevent exploits.

Ruggables and Ponzi Rug generate $PULL; the rarer the Ruggables the more $PULL it generates. Every Ponzi Rugs is rare and generates the same amount of $PULL.

We want the rugging to continue until the end of the Ethereum blockchain, with a system of Seasons and the ability to lock the metadata by using a Ponzi Rug.

We strongly encourage you to come get rugged.

Kingpin and Qwerty




Hype organizer and part-time financial advisor. FOMO specialist. Psychology student. All-around eastern European alcoholic. Co-founder of @PonziRugs.