Deadfellaz (frenz) NFT- Why I Bought One

Kirk W
3 min readMay 26, 2022


At this point in the NFT space it’s hard to know what’s a good investment and what’s not. So please do not take this as financial advice, but more of my thoughts.

We all want our NFT to make it to the promise land where everything it produces turns to gold and it makes you a wealthy individual. Even modest blue chip gains could have life changing results.

Now back to why I am writing this article, which is Deadfellaz seems like a fun ride. I think that’s good way to think about these nfts. They are rides you get take. And rides you get to take with a collective.

Let’s start with the most important element which is the community.

Community has been around for a minute! And they are active!

Like all thriving nft communities, Deadfellaz’s discord is wildy active , with users taking advantage of NFT related conversation, but also a dearth of non NFT related matters (pets, food, general hangout, etc).

There is also a sense of unity on twitter as well. I myself have boosted my twitter profile followers by 400+ by making my Deadfrenz as my profile picture. In addition, I have been invited to multiple private group chats where deadfellaz and deafrenz holders will discuss the market or just normal life stuff. This stems from the idea that we are in this together.

Now the 2nd most important aspect of an NFT project with a IP focused strategy (not utility driven) is the ART. Now I am not an art expert or even an experienced art gallery go-er. But I am a fan of the art, and I think they have a unique thing going with the green zombie look.

This is where ultimately you will have to decide if the art matches your tastes. I think it is fairly important to like the art because you will likely be a promoter of this project and be looking at the piece quite a bit.

When the art is to your liking, you will get amped up when a new air drop is announced. This degree of excitement and appreciation for the art is what I imagine the fans of the big art names would feel when they would have big reveals.

Now following those top two reasons (community & art), most project recommendations would go into detail about the founders, roadmap, utility, and business partnerships. And best believe Deadfellaz is doing well in these categories. I don’t want to miss the importance of the first two reasons.

Because ultimately all of those subsequent reasons are derived and validated by a strong community and good art, you are unlikely to have a good community with out a good leader and direction. You are also unlikely to score partnerships, create game theory, meaning utility.

Good art is the beautiful wrapping around an NFT project and everyone loves beauty. The core is the community.

Now how does one birth a thriving community? That is the game here…

