Blockchain for Good: How Cryptocurrency Can Revolutionize Philanthropy

7 min readMar 22, 2024

History of Charity Organizations

Charity, a fundamental aspect of human kindness, has its roots deeply embedded in ancient civilizations.

The practice began with simple acts of alms-giving within the societies of ancient Mesopotamia, evolving into structured philanthropic customs among the ancient Greeks and Romans.

In ancient India, the practice of ‘Dana’ — highlighted the spiritual significance of generosity. As centuries passed, these acts of kindness reflected and reinforced the fabric of communal life, showcasing a profound dedication to solidarity.

“Lady giving alms at the Temple” by Raja Ravi Varma

During medieval times, the concept of aiding the less fortunate took a more structured form, with religious organizations and community groups establishing systems for support and care. This period signified a pivotal advancement in the culture of giving, integrating it deeply within societal norms through structured philanthropic endeavors and emphasizing a blend of compassion and shared responsibility.

The 18th and 19th centuries, marked by the industrial revolution and social reform movements, saw the birth of formal charitable organizations. These entities emerged as structured responses to the societal upheavals of the time, aiming to address poverty, education, and health care disparities.

Notable figures in Europe, such as Florence Nightingale and William Booth pioneered movements that forever changed the landscape of charitable giving, emphasizing organized aid and social justice.

In India, the tradition of philanthropy during the modern era is well exemplified by the establishment of the Tata Trusts. Founded by Jamsetji Tata in the early 20th century, these trusts aimed to support advancements in education, health, and social welfare across the country. This initiative represented a significant contribution to addressing societal needs in India, reflecting a structured approach to philanthropy rooted in the desire to foster positive social change.

This historical journey of charity, from individual acts of kindness to complex organizations, sets the stage for understanding the evolution and challenges that modern charitable organizations face today.

“The giving of alms” by Benno Friedrich Tormer

Development of Modern Charitable Organizations

The landscape of charitable organizations underwent a transformative evolution during the 20th and 21st centuries. This era introduced a seismic shift in how charity functioned, leveraging technological advancements and fostering a worldwide awareness of issues affecting people everywhere. The advent of the internet and, subsequently, social media platforms revolutionized charitable giving, allowing for instantaneous global outreach and mobilization of resources.

Amidst these innovations, the demand for transparency and accountability of traditional charities from donors intensified. The digital age brought with it a scrutiny that required organizations to demonstrate the impact of donations more tangibly and transparently. This shift has been a double-edged sword, fostering greater efficiency and impact on one hand but also increasing operational pressures on the other.

The development of modern charitable organizations reflects a complex interplay between technology, societal expectations, and evolving models of philanthropy. These entities have become more sophisticated, leveraging digital platforms to enhance visibility, engage with a broader donor base, and innovate in the pursuit of addressing global challenges.

Problems of Modern Charitable Organizations

Despite the advancements and increased sophistication of modern charitable organizations, several challenges have emerged, threatening their efficiency and impact. High administrative costs have become a point of contention, with critics arguing that an excessive portion of donations is consumed by operational expenses rather than reaching the intended beneficiaries. This issue is exacerbated by the complex global nature of many charities, which requires significant overhead for effective management and coordination.

Transparency and donor trust have also become critical issues. While technology has facilitated greater visibility into charitable operations, it has also raised expectations for accountability. Donors demand clear evidence of impact, often leading to a focus on short-term achievements over long-term solutions. This scrutiny has made donor engagement increasingly challenging, particularly in an era where misinformation can quickly erode trust.

Amidst these challenges, the issue of charity embezzlement has become a pressing concern, casting a shadow on the integrity of some organizations and intensifying the demand for stringent oversight and transparency.

Engaging younger generations poses another significant challenge for modern charitable associations. Millennials and Gen Zers, while highly socially conscious, often seek direct and tangible ways to contribute, favoring platforms that offer immediate results over traditional donation models. This shift necessitates a reevaluation of engagement strategies to harness the potential of these generational cohorts effectively.

Furthermore, the increasing frequency and scale of global crises, such as natural disasters and pandemics, have put unprecedented demands on charitable organizations. Donor fatigue, a phenomenon where prolonged exposure to crises leads to a decrease in willingness to donate, has become a tangible concern, necessitating innovative approaches to sustain donor interest and support.

The problems facing modern charitable institutions underscore the need for continual adaptation and innovation. These challenges, from administrative efficiency to donor engagement, demand a reimagining of traditional charity models to ensure sustainability and impact in a changing world.

Cryptocurrency as a Potential Solution

In the search for innovative solutions to the challenges faced by modern charitable organizations, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have emerged as promising tools. Cryptocurrency offers a new paradigm for charitable giving, characterized by transparency, lower transaction costs, and increased accessibility.

Blockchain enhances the transparency of donations by providing a secure and immutable ledger. Every transaction is recorded and visible, making it easier to track how funds are allocated and spent by charitable institutions. This visibility fosters trust among donors, ensuring their contributions are directed towards the intended purposes and enhancing accountability within charities.

One of the most significant advantages of crypto donations over traditional ones is the reduction in transaction fees. Traditional financial systems can impose hefty fees for international transfers, but cryptocurrency transactions typically incur much lower costs. This efficiency ensures that a greater portion of donations is used for charitable purposes, directly addressing concerns about administrative overheads.

The global reach and seamless nature of blockchain also extend the scope of charitable donations. By leveraging this technology, charities can tap into a worldwide network of potential donors, breaking down geographical barriers that once limited giving. This not only expands the donor base but also aligns with the borderless ethos of cryptocurrency, making it easier for philanthropic efforts to have a truly global impact.

Current usage of cryptocurrency donations

Modern traditional charities have increasingly begun to incorporate crypto donations into their fundraising strategies, recognizing the potential of blockchain technology to streamline transactions and attract a new demographic of donors. By accepting cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others, these organizations can receive funds instantly and globally, without the high fees or currency conversion issues associated with traditional banking systems.

Building on the trend of embracing cryptocurrency for donations, the Kismet Foundation sets itself apart from traditional organizations by specifically leveraging this technology to enhance the efficiency and reach of its charitable efforts. Unlike traditional institutions, which may face delays and financial losses through conventional banking channels, Kismet’s creation and streamlining of the KIS token ensures that aid is delivered more quickly and efficiently, demonstrating a forward-thinking model in philanthropy that maximizes impact through innovation.

By purchasing Kismet tokens, supporters not only contribute to charities and non-profit groups but also engage with a model that offers potential financial returns. Embedded within the DeFi contract of Kismet token are growth-oriented tokenomics, including a limited supply and strategies like buy-back and burn, designed to benefit both the cause and the token holder.

This innovative approach promises a win-win scenario: the chance to make a positive impact on the world and potentially benefit financially.


The evolution of charitable organizations, from their historical origins to the modern era, showcases a dynamic journey of adaptation and innovation. This path has been shaped by societal shifts, technological breakthroughs, and global challenges.

Today, as these organizations grapple with issues such as administrative overheads, the necessity for transparency, the engagement of donors, and the repercussions of worldwide emergencies, the advent of cryptocurrency emerges as a promising solution in the realm of philanthropy.

At the intersection of blockchain and humanity, the Kismet foundation stands as a solution to the problems of modern charity giving. By leveraging the unique advantages of cryptocurrency, Kismet not only addresses the immediate challenges faced by modern charitable organizations but also redefines the boundaries of philanthropy itself. This pioneering approach not only paves the way for a more efficient, transparent, and engaging model of charitable giving but also heralds a new chapter in the rich history of human kindness and solidarity.

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