My trip to Comic Con CPH 2016

4 min readOct 11, 2016

For the first time ever Comic Con came to Copenhagen and of course my friends and I had to go! Their has been a lot of different opinions about the event but my friends and I had the most amazing time with costumes, talks, shopping and trying all kind of funny new games.

Costume — Suicide Squad Joker

Jared Leto has been one of my favorit actors since I was twelve and saw Requiem for a Dream for the first time. So of course I had to make a Joker costume now that Jared Leto has been playing him in Suicide Squad. I knew that there would properly be a lot of other jokers because of the movie, so I wanted to make my own gender bend version.
I knew the most important thing for making this costume, was the tattoos that really defines Jared Leto’s version of the Joker. However, the thought of having to paint it each morning was tiring. Luckily I found another great easy way. I found out that you can buy tattoo paper that lets you print your own tattoos, and I really wanted to try it out. You can buy the paper at amazone and you only need that, a picture of what you want your tattoo to look like and a printer to make it work. It was super easy to make and easy to use.

One of the Jokers characteristics is the purple jacket, but I did not have the time (or skills) to sew one on my own. Therefor I bought a long white jacket and wanted to color it with Dylon fabric dye for machines. It would have worked out great, but I forgot to check what kind of fabric the jacket was made of. Sadly it was made of polyester which is a fabric that doesn’t take color. Therefore I ended up buying fabric paint which luckily worked!
Then I only had to put on my green wig, a green military looking skirt and some purple knee socks and it ended up looking like this:

The final costume


Their was a lot of different stuff to do at comic con. I went to talks with Emily Swallow from Supernatural and Kerry Ingram from Game of thrones — both of them were really cool! You also had the opportunity to try a lot of different games that has not yet been released. The best thing we tried was differently the new Playstation VR. It was so different to play, and I can’t wait for it to come out. One of my best friends is a streamer called Mabiscus and she is terrifyed of clowns and she tried a VR horror game with.. guess what… clowns :P I filmed her while she was playing:

You had the opportunity to sit in a replica of the Iron Throne. Scary to think of the Joker sitting there :P


Of course you can’t really go to Comic Con without using too much money! I got all kinds of awesome nerd stuff and tasted my first Mochi ice cream. One of the things I bought were some really cool T-shirts from TeeTurtle — check them out if you don’t know them. They also have really cool nerd socks!

The print on my new T-shirts!
Mochi ice cream

All in all we had an amazing time at Comic Con and I can’t wait to go again next year! One of my other best friends called Lisa is living in Edinburgh at the moment so sadly she could not join us. Therefore we ended our Comic Con adventure by making this little video for her because she loves the orginal video.

