3 min readSep 23, 2017


Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Dash, LiteCoin and now KITEX, all with the same end goal; ‘decentralization’.

The KITEX framework is a totally different approach to online commerce. It’s ecosystem of P2P connected nodes ensure there are no servers, it’s fully decentralized.. KITEX is a peer-to-peer e-commerce platform with no fees or restrictions. KITEX allows users to communicate and exchange payments directly without intermediaries. Because no one is at all in control, there is no charge, no restrictions, no creation instructions and You only display personal information that you wish to show. KITEX is a user-friendly application giving buyers instant access to services all around the world where the only requirement to have an internet connection.

Key Features

Privacy and Security : There was a time when people had secrets. Men could discreetly dispose of receipts for flowers, drinks or jewelry, and a last check for lipstick on the collar before turning the key to the front door could hide a multitude of sins.

But times have changed, even if behaviors haven’t. Shopping, chatting and traveling in the digital age means that habits and relationships are all recorded somewhere whether people know it or not.

With KITEX no central server, no personal information capture and no data mining. Your data cannot be stolen or sold, because nobody other than you has it. Data is distributed across the nodes with redundancy and context based dynamic encryption.

Extremely Resilient: It can’t be disabled. No individual controls it and it is controlled by users similarly to most cryptocurrencies. Your product store will be online until you and only you decide to close it.

User Experience Focused: Simple, Tidy, Efficient, Beautiful. We have top UI experts who have ensured there would ultimate experience for the users.

No Fees and Restrictions: For most users, products and services is free for both buyers and sellers. No extra charges, no fees. You can make arrangements for a local pickup or pay online with payment method of your choice including KITEX tokens, or other cryptocurrencies. Since your data is private, we are not imposing any limitations and restrictions on items that can be bought and sold. The system is a community operated democracy.

KITX/BTC/ETH Wallet integrated: We believe that lowering barrier to entry for beginners to start using cryptocurrency for transactions through a wallet integration and friendly user interface is a key adoption factor.


Diversification: KITEX has a low correlation with most other invest­ment products and thus provides portfolio diversification benefits.

Anti-inflationary store of value: KITEX has a finite supply, with the maximum amount of KITEX that will ever be created being limited to 20 Million, as encoded in the KITEX protocol. KITEX’s favorable supply/demand dynamics support long term price appreciation and its validity in commercial deals.

Growth potential: as KITEX assets are still in the very early stages of widespread adoption, the potential for significant growth remains.

Restrained demand: direct investment in KITEX requires a de­gree of technological expertise, and involves taking a risk on newly established entities for settlement and safekeeping. This has kept many investors from engaging, This all points to significant as yet untapped demand for the asset.

ICO Campaign

To accelerate development, build the whole KITEX framework and add required flexibility to our platform architecture through the use of our KITEX token therefore achieve massive success by timely releasing full featured product to the market we decided on bringing external investments in form of KITEX Ethereum/Bitcoin — based token sale. We are launching are crowdsale in two stages: the Pre-Sale round and the ICO round itself. During the whole crowdsale KITEX will sell 20million of KITX tokens. Our main aims are to raise at least 2000ETH during the pre-sale round and at least 10000ETH during the ICO.

We invite everyone to participate in our project, to promote investment activities we are granting a 20% BONUS for all early investors acquiring KITX tokens during the Pre-Sale.

We can guarantee a continuous development of the project, we hope that with your help we would be able to break trading barriers and create a world without trading constraints. Let’s change the world.


White Paper


