Skycoin X KittyCash

3 min readMay 14, 2018


When we were first thinking about the idea of creating a blockchain collectables game we had one thing in mind: It has to be better, faster, more reliable and more secure. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum are revolutionizing the world as we know it, but they’re both facing the same issues. They become congested easily, charge high transactions fees and all projects use the same blockchain, which means that when one chain is slow then all of them are. With only 30 transactions per second and high fees, Ethereum based collectables are often expensive to play and transactions are usually delayed or stuck due to congestion. We were looking for a blockchain platform that offers faster transaction speeds, lower transaction fees, and higher security and we found Skycoin Fiber.

Skycoin Fiber is the future of the blockchain.

The architecture of Fiber is solving the existing problems of Ethereum and Bitcoin mentioned above by using distributed ledger technology. It could be best described as an infinitely scalable network of blockchains laid side by side. This gives Skycoin Fiber a huge advantage as Bitcoin or Ethereum were never designed to scale infinitely.

Transactions are the main pillar of every game, whether you need to feed the Kitty, equip items or accessories, trade, breed or play one of our mini-games, it’s all done using transactions. Players want these changes to reflect instantly and that’s not achievable by using extremely slow Bitcoin transaction speeds of only 6 transactions per second (TPS) and Ethereum’s 30TPS. With Fiber, we’re able to achieve TPS of 300 with a plan to reach 3000 TPS in future implementations.

Why do we need our own blockchain?

Parallel side-to-side blockchain architecture is extremely important to every game developed on blockchain for its reliability. Ethereum is set up in a centralized manner. That means if the Ethereum blockchain goes down or gets congested then all the projects developed on Ethereum will go down with it. This is a major concern to everyone who wants to develop a game on the blockchain. Imagine you’re playing your favorite game and have to stop because an ICO is raising funds.

By using Skycoin Fiber technology we’re provided with our very own blockchain that works independently from the main Skycoin chain. This makes Fiber the foundation of blockchain 3.0 where each company can run either private or public-private blockchain based on their preference. Each new project that joins Skycoin Fiber and creates its own blockchain strengthens the whole network and constructs the fabric of the entire ecosystem. Every single one of the Fiber hosted blockchains is fully customizable, private blockchain with transaction speeds comparable to those of Visa.

If you would like to read more about Skycoin, check out:




Second generation of blockchain collectables developed on Skycoin's Fiber blockchain.🐱