
Kitty Danger
2 min readDec 19, 2023


I saw a bird in a tree
it was a beautiful bird and had the sweetest twee
its wings were long and marvelous
its tail was wide and spacious
it perched effortlessly on the branch of the oak
and as I watched it look around its surroundings, a smile it would provoke
I snuck closer to the bird so as not to disturb it
I wanted to behold it without it flying off in a fit
to my surprise the bird seemed unbothered
it spotted me watching and it’s wing it proffered
it tilted it’s head and watched me with curiosity
I inched even closer but it didn’t fly away like it might commonly
eventually I was with my back to the tree
shockingly the bird came down to me
first on my head and then my shoulder
this was a phenomenon so priceless to the beholder
I lifted my hand and placed it near his breast
he stepped on my palm and proceeded to rest
my finger stroked the back of his neck
but he seemed so calm and not at all a wreck
we got a long like two old friends singing a song
it was an odd occurrence something for the bird should of been wrong
But the bird settled down and got comfortable and strafe
I could see that the warm of my palm made him safe
my heart was delighted at the birds immediate trust
but I in my ignorance sent my hand in a thrust
trying to capture it in my own selfish lust
the bird became panicked and tussled about
but it was no match for my fist in its route
Accidentally I crushed my special gift
and nothing could bring its life to a lift
I killed my bird that trusted me so fearless
in a moment of selfishness
I didn’t understand what my action would do
but it ended the life of my avian blue



Kitty Danger

I love to write, I hope that my writing can inspire and envoke creativity for others.