Zyahna Bryant: The Face of Black Supremacy and Antiwhite Hatred

Klaus Arminius
3 min readMay 5, 2023


Zyahna Bryant, a well-known Black Lives Matter activist, ruined White student’s reputation, accusing her of referring to George Floyd rioters as “speed bumps” and threatening to run them over — only to later admit she lied.

On July 2020, Zyahna Bryant whose Twitter is now private, tweeted, “The woman in this truck approached protesters in #Charlottesville, and told us that we would make ‘good speedbumps. She then called the police and started crying saying we were attacking her.

Bryant also posted a series of videos — not of the alleged “speed bump” comment itself, but of its aftermath. In the videos, an SUV reverses down a street while Bryant and several other protesters follow. “It’s a Karen, it’s a Karen,” Bryant taunts.

Zyahna Bryant is a high-profile BLM activist falsely accused Morgan Bettinger of threatening the protesters

What happened next sparked a social media hate campaign in which Morgan Bettinger was quickly identified and denounced as a “Nazi”; school investigations; and a bid by Zyahna to have Morgan expelled.

Local journalists descended on the story, publishing it wide and far soon after the Tweet went viral.

While the group gathered on East High Street, a white woman drove around the public works truck blocking the road, and twice told the protesters they would ‘make good speed bumps,’” C-VILLE Weekly reported. “The threat is especially chilling and violent given that Heather Heyer was murdered by a driver just a few blocks from where the protest took place.”

Being the daughter of a late police officer, who died of cancer, Morgan quickly became the victim of BLM and black activist stalkers and antiwhite bullies in her college, making her fear for her safety and go into hiding.

Morgan Bettinger pictured with her late father

In the months that followed, University of Virgina would subject Morgan, who was still grieving her late father, to an extended inquisition into her alleged racist conduct.

UVA’s completely student-run dispensary system, found Bettinger guilty of “threatening the health or safety” of UVA students and sanctioned her to do 50 hours of community service, meet three times with a professor meant to teach her about “police community relations,” and write an apology letter to Bryant.

While Zyahna rose to fame, fortune and went on to have a successful career with glowing profiles in media outlets, Morgan’s life was completely destroyed.

Morgan’s plans and ambition’s to attend law school and become lawyer was now a shattered dream. She found herself isolated from her friends who all cut ties with her, and unable to cope with life. Zyahna’s unfounded and racially motivated accusations blew a considerable emotional impact.

I have sleepless nights and I’ve had to be prescribed medication to be able to sleep anymore,” Morgan Bettinger told investigators. “I had to up my therapy to speak with my counsellor because this had just gotten so much. It finally broke me a little bit ago. It’s just not okay for someone to get away with to keep doing this.

Morgan says her reputation has been destroyed by the accusations.

If you are a White person: mere unfounded allegations of “racism” can uproot and destroy your life; you will not be treated fairly by any institution and you will not be given the benefit of the doubt.

Is this the so-called ‘#Whiteprivilege’ we hear about?



Klaus Arminius

25-year-old Independent Reporter | Traveler (33 countries so far) | History Lover.