“2D Girls Are Better” Mindset is UNHEALTHY and Here is Why…

Skitzy Lovecraft
2 min readMay 2, 2023


Hentai addiction is a growing concern that has been associated with various mental health problems. Hentai is a form of animated pornography that originated in Japan and has become increasingly popular worldwide. While some people enjoy Hentai as a harmless form of entertainment, others can become addicted to it, leading to negative consequences for their mental health and wellbeing.

Research has shown that addiction to Hentai can affect the brain in significant ways, leading to changes in neural pathways and neurotransmitter activity. These changes can impact a person’s mood, cognition, and behavior, potentially leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders.

In this blog post, we will explore the impact of Hentai addiction on the brain and its potential effects on mental health. We will also discuss the signs and symptoms of Hentai addiction, as well as strategies for seeking help and support. By understanding the complex nature of Hentai addiction and its impact on mental health, we can take steps towards promoting healthy habits and improving overall wellbeing.

One of the ways that Hentai addiction can affect the brain is by encouraging a preference for fictional characters over real women. This phenomenon, known as “2D love,” is common among those with a Hentai addiction and can have serious consequences for their relationships and social functioning.

Research has shown that the brain can become addicted to the intense stimulation provided by Hentai, leading to a preference for the exaggerated features and unrealistic situations depicted in these animations. Over time, this preference can lead to a diminished interest in real-life relationships and sexual experiences, as the brain becomes conditioned to seek out the intense and immediate gratification provided by Hentai.

Moreover, the anonymity and lack of real-life consequences associated with consuming Hentai can lead to a sense of detachment from real women and relationships, further reinforcing the addiction. This can result in social isolation, a lack of intimacy and emotional connection, and a decreased ability to form healthy and fulfilling relationships.

It’s important to note that while Hentai addiction can lead to a preference for fictional characters, it is not a guarantee. Many people who consume Hentai can distinguish between fantasy and reality and maintain healthy relationships. However, for those who struggle with addiction, it’s important to seek professional help and support to address the underlying issues and work towards recovery.

In conclusion, Hentai addiction can have a significant impact on the brain, leading to a preference for fictional characters over real women. This can have serious consequences for social functioning, relationships, and overall mental health. By understanding the potential effects of Hentai addiction, we can take steps towards promoting healthy habits and seeking help when needed.

In other words, please go outside and talk to real women. It’s bad for you.



Skitzy Lovecraft

Delve into the depths of open-mindedness as Klei, an ardent explorer, unveils profound insights, tips, and personal experiences on this blog.