The Great FAQ of Our Time

15 min readApr 17, 2022


Your Knights of the Ether Questions — Answered.

The Squires Homepage


  • Are Squires located on L1 or L2?

Squires are located on Arbitrum, a Layer 2.

  • Why are Squires located on L2 if Knights are located on L1?

Arbitrum has lower transaction fees which allows for a better Play to Earn experience with your Squires.

  • Where are Squires traded?

Squires are tradeable on the Treasure Marketplace.

  • What is the Squires game?

Squires is an on-chain inventory management game in which you send your Squire NFTs out on Quests in order to receive different rewards, level up your Squire’s skills, interact with shops and refine the inventory of your Knight for our upcoming deck-building game.

Genesis Wisdom Squire
  • What do I need to do to start playing?

Make sure to set up your wallet to interact with Arbitrum and bridge over around 0.03–0.05 eth by following the instructions here:

  • What is a Quest?

A quest is a period of time in which you stake or ‘lock-up’ your squire in order to gain some sort of reward.

  • What can I receive from questing?

$FIEF tokens, Rings, Trinkets and Potions.

  • Are Rings/Trinkets/Potions NFTs? If so, where are these NFTs traded?

Yes they are NFTs and they are tradeable on the Treasure Marketplace.

  • How long do Squires quest for?

Each quest takes 23 hours and 40 minutes.

  • Can you explain the different Squire Skills and how they work?

There are 4 Squire Skills.

1. Strength: Increases the amount of $FIEF you can bring back from the Forest.

2. Luck: Increases your chances of bringing back rare items from the Cavern and the Mountain.

3. Faith: Increases your chances of receiving Skill boosts from the Temple.

4. Wisdom: Decreases the amount of $FIEF needed to upgrade and transform items at the shops.

Genesis Strength Squire
  • What are the four different Quest Locations and what happens in each of them?
  1. Ilithane Forest is where you find $FIEF. In every other quest you are guaranteed at least 20 $FIEF, in the Forest you have a chance to find somewhere between 30 and 100 $FIEF at a time.
  2. Delvheim Cavern is where you have a good chance to find a Potion and a smaller chance to find a Ring.
  3. Crestfall Mountain is where you have a good chance to find a Ring and a smaller chance to find a Trinket
  4. The Temple is where you have a higher chance to level up 1 of your 4 skills. Each other quest has a small chance for skill upgrades, but at The Temple you are more likely to get a skill upgrade.
  • What are the three different Shops and what are they for?
  1. The Jeweler is where you combine $FIEF, Treasures, and Rings in order to upgrade Rings.
  2. The Alchemist is where you combine $FIEF, Treasures, and Potions in order to upgrade or transform Potions.
  3. The Blacksmith is where you can transform Trinkets and in the future, upgrade Knight Gear.
Genesis Luck Squire
  • What is the Town?

More information on the Town coming in a twinkling.

  • How will Treasures be integrated?

In the Squires game, T4 and T5 Treasures are combined with Rings and Potions in order to increase your chances of success when upgrading them. There is a small chance of burning your Treasure when completing this action. More information on how specific Treasures are used can be found in the Game Guide.

  • What are T4 and T5 Treasures and where can I get them?

These are the two lowest tiers of Treasures and they are purchasable on the Treasure Marketplace or available as Questing rewards in TreasureDAO’s Bridgeworld.

  • Do you have to own one Knight for every Squire in order to quest?

You just need one Knight and one Squire in order to quest. You can have as many Squires questing at one time as you’d like, but at the minimum you need one Knight in order to enter the questing zone. However, this is subject to change and if we do enforce a ratio or a 1–1 requirement for Knights to Squires we will let you know ahead of time.

  • I own 50 Squires and don’t have time to send off each individual Squire to Quest, what can I do?

You can use the ‘send all’ button in order to send all of your Squires out to a single quest with a single click. Although, since each Quest destination is its own contract, you cannot send 30 Squires to the Forest and 20 Squires to the Cavern in one transaction, you would need two. Also, when returning Squires from separate Quest destinations, you will need separate transactions.

  • How can I best conserve funds while playing the Squires game?

We have done our very best to make gas as much of a non-issue as possible. Arbitrum has ultra-low transaction fees, but it does still cost money to make these transactions. If you are working on a tight budget and still want to play the Squires game, we recommend a few things.

  1. Send all of your Squires out in one transaction to one Quest destination. Don’t split them up between separate Quests on the same day. This way you only need one transaction to send and one transaction to return.
  2. If you want to rotate between Quest destinations that is fine, just send all your Squires to the Forest one day, return them all the next day and immediately send them all out to somewhere else!
Genesis Faith Squire
  • What is the strategy involved with Squires? How can I play this game effectively?

The answer to this question depends on a lot of things… Are you going to be playing the deck-building game? And if so, will you play casually or competitively? How many Squires do you own? Are you interested in accumulating items to upgrade or sell? Or are you more interested in leveling up your Squires in order to sell them to someone else? However you choose to play, there are a plethora of strategic options available to you.

  1. Maybe you just want to farm $FIEF and stack that for the time being. Well if so, you probably want to trade in your other Squires for Strength Squires since they have the best stat accumulation for finding more $FIEF in the Forest.
  2. Maybe you’re looking forward to the deck-building game and you want to have the best gear possible for that. In that case you may want to stack Luck and Wisdom Squires since they have the best chances of finding rare items and the lowest costs for interacting with the shops, respectively.
  3. You could also just be looking to play the meta-game and level up Squires to sell back to other players. In this case, you may want to spend your time sending Faith Squires to the Temple.

These are just the surface level strategies and we expect you all will find even better ways to theory-craft your way to victory. Best of luck.

  • How do the Squires support the Knights in the upcoming P2E deck-building game?

Squires are like on-chain inventory managers. They find and upgrade rare items for the Knights to have access to in the deck-building game. As the support class, we envision them as about 1/3rd as valuable as Knights when it comes to earning $FIEF.

  • Who created Squires? And is the Squires contract original code?

Alex Needelman, of NiftyLabs, wrote all of the smart contract code and backend of the UI for Squires. Almost nothing is a fork except for a few functions adapted from Bridgeworld. It is truly epic. TheOnlyScottEver.eth created the stunning frontend UI and FreeGas brought the whole operation together. Teamwork makes the dream work.


  • What are the Knights of the Ether?

Knights of the Ether are 3,999 unique avatars residing on the Ethereum Blockchain. They represent a playable character in our deck-building roguelike videogame, Knights of the Ether: UnderDark.

  • What is a deck-building roguelike game?

This is a game genre that involves fighting through multiple acts with a base deck of cards that contain abilities for attacking and defending against monsters in combat. At the end of each successful combat, you receive rewards such as potions, trinkets and new cards to help build out your character’s inventory for that expedition. Roguelike means that when you die, you lose all of your progress and must start back over from the beginning. The leader in this genre is Slay the Spire, check it out on Steam, console or mobile in order to learn more!

  • Are the attributes and their respective rarity on my Knight NFT important for the game as well?

Yes, they are. Each attribute, from crests to backgrounds to weapons to shields are all pieces of Gear that you can choose from in your Armory at the beginning of each expedition. Rarer attributes have better stats, but cost more encumbrance.

  • What is Encumbrance?

Encumbrance is a limiting factor on how much gear you can take with you into each expedition. Rarer items may cost 5 encumbrance whereas common items cost 1. Choose your pieces up to a max of 20 encumbrance. (These numbers are likely to change as we balance the game)

  • How does the Armory work?

The Armory is where you choose between which of your Knights to use for your expedition. Once you have chosen, you can then decide which of their pieces of gear you want to bring into the expedition with you based on their stats and encumbrance costs.

Cloaked Knight 1/1
  • What are the Royal Houses?

After choosing your Knight and Gear in the Armory, you must choose from 1 of 4 Royal Houses. Here you receive a free Royal Decree, a strong buff that lasts throughout the game. You also have the option to purchase up to 5 other buffs that cost $FIEF but raise your chances of achieving a high score.

  • What role do Rings/Trinkets/Potions play in the game?
  1. Rings are available at the beginning of each expedition to add on to your Knights starting build. You can wear up to 5 rings at once but they all cost 1 encumbrance.
  2. Trinkets are items that drop after elite and boss battles. They give strong buffs that last throughout an entire expedition. You can hold as many Trinkets as you can find.
  3. Potions are consumable items that can drop after any battle. They give strong buffs that only last between 1 turn and an entire combat. You can only hold 5 potions at a time.
  • Can you explain how Knights can earn?

Knights earn in a few ways. Fighting through all 3 acts and defeating bosses for $FIEF, or competing in the Ranked Leaderboards for larger prizes consisting of IRL items, NFTs and other tokens. Also, Knights can earn by renting their NFTs out through the Sentry System.

  • What is the Sentry System?

The Sentry System is our version of Axie’s Scholarship Program. As the owner of multiple Knights you can lease your extras out to those who may not be able to afford a Knight of their own. As a Sentry, you play as a Knight that you rent and then split the $FIEF that you earn with the owner of said Knight at the end of the day.

Dark Knight 1/1
  • How do Treasures/$MAGIC integrate into the game?
  1. All 46 Treasures are rare items that only drop as in-game Trinkets if you already hold them in your wallet at the beginning of an expedition. Think of them as ways to extend the pool of available rewards at the end of each successful combat that then help you boost your characters chances of defeating all 3 bosses and achieving the highest score possible on the Leaderboards. You don’t need Treasures to achieve high scores, but they definitely help.
  2. $MAGIC is going to be integrated in a few ways. Firstly, you’ll be able to stake $MAGIC with one of our partners in order to receive an entry pass to each Leaderboard event. The emissions made off of staking go right back into funding Leaderboard prizes and at the end of the event you get back that initial $MAGIC that you staked. Secondly, we are working on another mechanism for $MAGIC staking that boosts and enhances certain portions of both the Squires and Knights game. More on this at a later date.
  • Is there a place I can dive deep into strategy?

Yes! Our game guide will be released shortly and we will link it here when it does.

  • What are the benefits of owning more than one Knight in the lead up period to game launch?

All value trickles back to Knights. More snapshots, more airdrops, more $FIEF accumulation, etc. Knights have over 3X the earning potential that Squires have. Also, the longer you hold a Knight in the same wallet, the better rewards available for you on day 1 of Closed Beta game launch in return for holding Knights in the lead-up period to the game.

  • What kind of rewards are available on day 1 of Closed Beta game launch?
  1. For each Knight you have held for 30 days in the same wallet you will have earned a bonus of 1500 $FIEF.
  2. For each Knight you have held for 45 days in the same wallet you will have earned 2,250 $FIEF and 1 Legendary Ring.
  3. For each Knight you have held for 60 days in the same wallet you will have earned 3,000 $FIEF, 1 Legendary Ring and a raffle entry into the Genesis Rogue WL raffle.
  4. For each Knight you have held for 75 days in the same wallet you will have earned 3,750 $FIEF, 1 Legendary Ring, a raffle entry into the Genesis Rogue WL raffle and a raffle entry into a raffle of 5 Genesis Knights.

(These dates are based off of the snapshot taken on April 13th.)

Gold Knight 1/1
  • What are Genesis Knights?

Genesis Knights are token #’s 0–500.

  • How do Genesis Knights provide more value than regular Knights?

Genesis Knights are more valuable in a few ways. First off, they earn $FIEF at higher multiples than regular Knights. Secondly, they have the ability to mint future collections in $FIEF at a 1–1 ratio of Genesis Knights owned to characters able to be minted. Finally, they were airdropped Genesis Squires which started with higher stats than regular Squires.

  • Will there be competitive aspects to the game?

Yes, very much so. While you can still play UnderDark casually and earn a solid amount of $FIEF while having a good time, the Ranked Leaderboards are where the competition happens. If you’re looking to sweat over the meta and obsess over the best builds, Ranked play is the best place to do that.

  • How do Leaderboards work?

From the 1st to the 15th of every month is a new Leaderboard event. By staking $MAGIC and gaining an entry pass to the Leaderboards, all of your runs will be tracked and calculated in multiple ways for each of the Leaderboard types. Besides the highest score, there will be Leaderboards for fastest runs, the least amount of health lost as well as more focused achievements like most damage dealt in a single turn! Each of the Leaderboards is built around things you achieve in a single expedition, no grinding out score after score to add up at the end of 2 weeks. Knights need sleep too!

  • Will there be prizes for Leaderboards?

Funny you ask, yes there will be prizes for Leaderboards! In addition to all of the emissions from the staked $MAGIC, lump sum $MAGIC and Treasure prizes from the fine folks over at TreasureDAO, there will also be NFT prizes from partner collections and physical prizes such as full suits of armor, custom keyboards, vacations to fantasy themed locales such as the set of LOTR, and more! Want something specific to be a Leaderboard prize and think it fits well with our theme? Let us know and we will do our best to make it winnable in the next event!

  • What happens in the downtime between Leaderboard events?

From the 15th to the end of the month every month is a downtime between Leaderboard events. This gives us time to dole out prizes to winners, return staked $MAGIC, collect $MAGIC for the next round of Leaderboards, and tweak the meta appropriately to allow for balanced and nuanced play during the next event.

  • What happens if I’m bad at the game but I want to compete in Ranked play anyways?

A portion of prizes will be raffled off to everyone who competes in each event, regardless of score. Of course the best prizes will be won by those who are the most skilled, but you still have a chance to win some epic rewards even if you aren’t the best in class for that event!

Galactic Knight 1/1
  • How do you plan on scaling the game?

This is one of our main focuses. The larger the player base, the better the experience, in our eyes. Beyond the more obvious partnerships from both L1 and L2 collections in which we hand out some rare items and maybe a Knight or two to entice their communities to buy Knights and join us in the UnderDark, we have some great ideas about how to grow the KOTE ecosystem.

First off, we plan on releasing subsequent collections of playable characters such as Rogues. These come with their own unique deck and will have a larger supply than Knights. In this way we can ensure there are future entry points for other players looking to join our P2E ecosystem. Secondly, we hope to integrate other collections as playable characters and unique decks. For example, we would love to have Smol Brains be able to play through the UnderDark with their own unique Smol deck of cards. This way we can bring in other large communities to compete for the Leaderboard prizes alongside our own Knights!

Finally, and much more long-term, we plan to do our best to break down the barriers of entry that prohibit gamers from trying out Play to Earn games. We truly believe that the future of videogames has a place for earning and enjoying all at once. We hope to spread the good word of Play to Earn and hopefully change some minds along the way.

  • Who is building the Game?

Robotseamonster is building the game engine. Check out more of their work here.

  • Who is creating the Art for the Game?

Volta Studios and Outstandly Studios are creating all of the art for our game. Check out their work here, and here,

  • How does the UnderDark deckbuilding game interact with the blockchain?

So instead of interacting with the blockchain at every turn and having to suffer through constant Metamask popups and gas fees, most of our game will happen off-chain. At the beginning of each expedition, our game will query out to your wallet to see which Knights you hold and what items your Squire has acquired for them. Then, off you go into the UnderDark, slaying monsters and building your deck.

  • Will there be different playable characters? Will these characters be NFTs?

Yes! Our 2nd character collection of NFTs will be Rogues. Our 3rd character will be a magic user and we plan on voting on what sort of magic user with our community.

  • What is the current timeline for Game Launch?

Building an entire videogame from scratch is an arduous and tricky process. We hope to release the game in 3 stages. Alpha in June, Closed Beta in July and Open Beta in August. These dates are subject to change though. We will keep everyone updated through the Discord.

  • How will you be marketing the Game?

Marketing is an extensive and multi-pronged process. We are working with individuals who have experience in rolling out AAA videogames and they are putting together a wide-reaching marketing plan in order to reach gamers and NFT collectors alike. More on this topic… in a twinkling.

  • What is the 2–5 Year vision for KOTE?

This is a great question but also a difficult one. We see a clear path to having as many daily users and as much market share as a game like Axie. Once our community is able to play on PC, mobile and console; once they are able to rent out all types of playable characters to Sentries; and once they see the level of fun that deck-building roguelikes can provide alongside a robust earning mechanism… well the sky’s the limit.

Beyond just the game though, we envision KOTE as an all-encompassing Web3 brand. We are building a star-studded team and a first to market, innovative product on the bleeding edge of what is possible with blockchain technology. Squires and UnderDark are only the first steps up the mountain of Web3 and the possibilities are limitless. We hope you’re ready to take this journey with us. It’s gonna be one hell of an adventure.


Check back here for snippets of behind the scenes art and gameplay!

Rogues Sneak Peek
Act 1 Environment Mock-up
Swamp Goblin Color Options (Which one do you like?)

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