The Oathkeeper’s Insignia

4 min readJun 3, 2023


Battle Passes? Ancient Permits? What does it all mean?!

Oathkeeper’s Insignia

On June 13th, minting begins for the first Blightfell Battle Pass, the Oathkeeper’s Insignia. These Insignias will last for 6 months, from June 21st to December 21st.

Oathkeeper’s Insignia holders are eligible for a long list of perks and utility, with a special focus on the Bridgeworld Harvester integration. Let’s go through each benefit one by one.

1. Quests

  • Receive 1 Bridgeworld Ancient Permit per Oathkeeper’s Insignia. These grant access to stake MAGIC in the upcoming Thundermane Harvester
  • Compete in Novelty Leaderboards centered around hardcore weekly challenges for epic prizes and the chance to earn extra Ancient Permits

2. Exclusive cosmetics

  • Earn Legendary Gear pieces only available to Insignia holders such as the Red Dread Helmet, the Flaming Scythe and more
  • Vote on which types of Knight cosmetics you’d like to earn during Season 1

3. A seat on the Council of Elders

  • Join other Insignia holders in coordinating the KOTE harvester strategy for the best yield on your staked MAGIC
  • Have your vote count for more when we launch our upcoming decentralized infrastructure (more on this in a twinkling…)

4. Priority for WL giveaways and a unique discord role

  • Get first access to giveaways in discord with your Unique Councilmember role

5. Expanded crafting options

  • Craft potion upgrades on a quicker cooldown to help tame Harvester Corruption

6. Early access to the Season 2 Battle Pass

  • Be the first in line to scoop up the next iteration of the Oathkeeper’s Insignia on December 21st.


1,500 Insignias / 80 reserved for the team / 1,420 public supply


150 MAGIC per Insignia


June 13th




5 max per wallet / Soulbound until the end of Mydsummer Madness

Harvester Overview

Thundermane Approaches the Kingdom of Ether

Below is an attempt to chart out some of the expected numbers surrounding KOTE’s upcoming Harvester.

Assuming every harvester is equally boosted, (in reality it varies a lot) the KOTE Harvester may receive:

  • 2 Months of ~60k MAGIC / week
  • 4 Months of ~30k MAGIC / week (after the halving)
  • = 8 weeks * 60,000 + 16 weeks * 30,000 = 960,000 MAGIC over 24 weeks minimum (6 months)
  • 40,000 MAGIC per week on average

1 Ancient Permit grants access to stake 2,000 of the 6,000,000 MAGIC in the Harvester. That’s equal to an estimated 13.33 MAGIC / week per Ancient Permit.

Over 6 months each Ancient Permit combined with 2,000 MAGIC may produce ~320 MAGIC

Reduced by 25% to account for boost fluctuation and corruption = ~240 MAGIC value per Ancient Permit

(These estimates are contingent upon community participation and our ability to coordinate a successful strategy as a group)

Ancient Permit Emission Structure

  • 1,500 Ancient Permits are emitted on a 1–1 basis to each Oathkeeper Insignia holder
  • 1,000 more Ancient Permits are emitted to Knights and Villagers through hardcore leaderboards (accessible with Insignias) during the Mydsummer Madness event
  • The final 500 Ancient Permits are emitted through the regular leaderboards, accessible to all Knights and Blessed Villagers

Team Harvester Participation

Ancient Permits
  • The KOTE team will reserve 80 Insignia’s for the Ancient Permits and stake 160,000 MAGIC in order to receive emissions.
  • The KOTE team commits to using these emissions on behalf of the KOTE Harvester strategy to pursue the maximum boost % for all KOTE harvester participants.
  • Remaining emissions will be used for a combination of Squires / Blightfell incentives and community giveaways.

If past Harvesters have shown us anything, it’s that the Harvesters with a core team leading the charge and overseeing operations end up with the best results. By minting Insignias in MAGIC, the KOTE team becomes well-capitalized and can stay competitive on behalf of our community in the Harvester Wars. This is crucial for maximizing Harvester yield. We want to play to win.

Additionally, our strong network within the Treasure community guarantees that there will be no shortage of Legions and Squires to help craft extractors, boost yield % and tame corruption for the entirety of the KOTE Harvester’s uptime. All of the pieces are in place. We look forward to taming Thundermane, together.

— The Knights of the Ether Team

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