AI vs AI: The Battle for Decision Making Dominance: Artificial Intelligence vs Almighty Intelligence

Victor L. Rodriguez
8 min readJan 21, 2023


Al vs AI

It’s an exciting time to be alive! With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, we’re seeing more and more AI tools becoming widely available. This form of AI was only made possible through the original AI, that is “Almighty Intelligence.” According to the belief of “Almighty Intelligence”, it is the belief that human intelligence is a gift from God and is superior to any other form of intelligence. It implies that human intelligence is divine in nature and has been bestowed upon us by a higher power. This belief holds that human intelligence is unique and special, and that it is a way for individuals to connect with and understand the divine. In this understanding, it is meant to be used for a higher purpose. This concept is often found in the religious and spiritual beliefs where the almighty is considered the ultimate creator and the source of all knowledge and wisdom.

In this regard, the “Almighty” has made it possible for us to create what most have come to know as the modern AI. Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. It involves the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. Self-driving cars, for example, are no longer just a thing of science fiction, they’re becoming a reality, with the combination of human intelligence and artificial intelligence, we can make cars drive themselves. Imagine being able to sit back, relax, and let your car do the driving for you. And let’s not forget about ChatGPT, the AI conversation partner, it can help you to generate creative writing, answer questions, or even generate new ideas for you! The possibilities are endless and it’s thrilling to think about all the ways the combination of artificial intelligence and “Almighty Intelligence” will continue to shape and improve our lives in the future.

The Belief in Almighty Intelligence

Almighty Intelligence

Let’s first dive deep into the concept of the original AI. Many religious and spiritual beliefs hold that human intelligence is a gift from a higher power and that it is superior to any other form of intelligence. This belief is often rooted in the idea of a creator God, who is the ultimate source of all knowledge and wisdom. In monotheistic religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the belief is that God has created human beings in his own image and has bestowed upon them the gift of intelligence. In some Eastern religions and spiritual beliefs, the concept of a higher power or divine intelligence is also present, and it is believed that human intelligence is a way to connect with and understand the divine. Additionally, it is often believed that this intelligence is meant to be used for a higher purpose, such as serving God, connecting with the divine and attaining enlightenment. The belief that human intelligence is a gift from a higher power and is superior to any other form of intelligence has influenced the way people view human intelligence by making them believe that human intelligence is unique and special, meant to be used for a higher purpose, a way to understand the divine, and that ultimate truth and understanding can only be attained through divine revelation. This belief has led to a sense of pride in human intelligence, the development of religious and spiritual practices, and the idea that human intelligence should be guided by morality and ethics. This belief system is reflected in religious or spiritual practices and teachings in several ways, such as:

Meditation and contemplation as a way to connect with the divine and understand the mysteries of the universe

Prayer and worship as a way to connect with God and understand the divine

Scriptural study as a way to attain ultimate truth and understanding through divine revelation

Emphasis on ethics and morals to guide human intelligence

The idea that science and religion can complement each other to understand the world in different ways.

The Development of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

The current state of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly advancing and becoming more sophisticated. We are now seeing the integration of AI in various industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, transportation, and many more. AI technology is now able to perform tasks that were once thought impossible, such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, decision-making and more. Machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks are some of the key technologies that are driving the development of AI.

In the future, AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries, making them more efficient and cost-effective. Some current and future normalized applications of AI include:

Healthcare: AI-powered systems could help doctors diagnose diseases and make personalized treatment plans

Finance: AI could help banks and financial institutions to detect fraud, make investment decisions and provide financial advice

Transportation: self-driving cars and drones could reduce accidents and increase efficiency

Retail: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants could improve customer service and help with online shopping

Agriculture: AI could help farmers to optimize crop yields and reduce waste.

Almighty Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence

Comparing AI vs AI

The belief in “Almighty Intelligence” is like a hot debate between the believers and non-believers. On one hand, the believers argue that human intelligence is like a shiny diamond, a rare and precious gift from God. They believe that this intelligence is like a magic wand, that helps us connect with the divine and understand the mysteries of the universe. It’s like having a VIP pass to the ultimate knowledge club, where you can unlock secrets and attain enlightenment. On the other hand, the non-believers argue that human intelligence is like a regular tool, nothing special about it. They believe that human intelligence is just like any other animal’s intelligence, evolved through natural processes. They argue that human intelligence is like a car with a speed limit, limited by our biology and not the ultimate form of intelligence. They say that the idea of human intelligence being a gift from God is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, it just doesn’t fit.

AI is like a superhero with superpowers that can change the world, but like all superheroes, it also has its kryptonite. AI can make our lives easier by automating repetitive tasks, improving decision-making and even saving lives in healthcare, but it can also make some jobs obsolete, and if not properly designed, it can perpetuate bias. It’s important to remember that AI can’t replace everything, it’s not self-aware and doesn’t have emotions, so it can’t understand context or make ethical decisions like humans can. Think of it like a robot that can do math at lightning speed, but it can’t understand a joke. Human intelligence is like a puzzle, it’s unique and versatile, and it can adapt to different situations and make sense of our experiences. Moreover, as AI becomes more advanced, it could challenge our understanding of what it means to be human. We might start to question whether machines can have emotions and consciousness, and what that means for us as humans. It’s like a puzzle, we have to figure out how all the pieces fit together, and it’s an exciting journey.

AI and human intelligence share some capabilities in terms of data processing, pattern recognition, and decision-making. However, there are also some key differences between the two. AI has the ability to process and analyze large amounts of data quickly and efficiently, and it can make decisions based on data and algorithms, with a level of accuracy and consistency that humans cannot match. But AI lacks self-awareness, consciousness, and emotional intelligence which are unique to human intelligence. Human intelligence also has a more complex and multi-faceted nature, which allows for flexibility and adaptability in problem solving, decision making and understanding the context. Thus, while AI can perform specific tasks more effectively, almighty intelligence is a more general and versatile form of intelligence, which enables us to understand the world around us and make sense of our experiences.

Which Side are You On?

The AI Designs Itself and Calls it AI

The debate between “Almighty Intelligence” and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is like a game of chess, both sides have their strengths and weaknesses. The belief in “Almighty Intelligence” holds that human intelligence is a gift from God and is superior to any other form of intelligence, while AI is a product of human innovation, that can perform specific tasks more effectively. But, as we’ve seen, both AI and human intelligence have their own set of benefits and drawbacks.

Just like chess, it’s not about one side winning or losing, it’s about finding a way to use both sides to achieve a greater goal. We can use the power of AI to make our lives easier, to automate repetitive tasks, to make better decisions, and to improve our world. At the same time, we can use human intelligence to understand the context, to make ethical decisions, to be creative and to experience emotions. Together, AI and human intelligence can be a winning combination, like peanut butter and jelly, they complement each other perfectly.

So, let’s embrace the future, and get ready to be amazed by what AI has to offer. Let’s use the power of AI to make our world a better place, and let’s use our human intelligence to understand and appreciate the beauty of the world around us. “The sky is not the limit it’s a view”, and with AI and human intelligence working together, we can reach new heights and achieve things we never thought possible through new viewpoints.



Victor L. Rodriguez

Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy.