
Stefanie Neumann
1 min readSep 11, 2023


If you can’t see the horizon, look for the light I hold for you.

I know, your world is turned upside down, right now. Nothing seems right, and it’s hard to tell what is reality and what is only a mirage. Staying sane feels like going crazy in a mad world like this.

But you are gentle, kind and caring, and I see the light of the ethereal beauty that you are, even when it gets dim. It can’t be extinguished, for you are love, and you are loved.

If you can’t see the horizon, look for the light I hold for you, and know, I hold you in it if you allow me to do so. I love you. Know, that nothing in this crazy world can ever change that.

For those that need to hear it.

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This piece was inspired by the following writing prompts:

#FromOneLine 313, #vss365 — ethereal.



Stefanie Neumann

Through the art of awareness I am shining a bright light on the path of beingness.♥You cannot think an experience.But you can thank for it.♥My own content is ©.