Two autumnal-coloured leaves on a sandy ground with green weeds.

Turn Of The Season

I woke later than usual, yet the sun just came up.

Wind blows through leaves with a lupine howl, while clouds paint a goblin face in the grey sky. The robin is wearing a blustery frill, and I treasure the warmth I find in a ray of sunlight.

It is time to go inside, where honesty resides and context is found. For the first time, this season, all the bees stayed sleeping.

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This microfiction has been inspired by the following writing prompts:

#FromOneLine 318, #vssnature — lupine, #mpotd — goblin, #whistpr — #frill, #MastoPrompt — treasure, #brknshards — time, #rise635 — honest/y, #vss365 — context.



Stefanie Neumann

Through the art of awareness I am shining a bright light on the path of beingness.♥You cannot think an experience.But you can thank for it.♥My own content is ©.