Kolab Now: Online office suite now available for all power-users

Kolab Systems Media
3 min readJul 26, 2017


Many users already work with online office applications by subscribing to one proprietary service or another. So, announcing that we at Kolab Systems are launching an online full-featured office suite for Kolab Now may seem like announcing we have invented the electric bulb.

But that would be ignoring Kolab’s main strength: our dedication to preserving our customers’ privacy and safeguarding their data. With Kolab Now’s new online office suite, your data is stored by a Swiss company; using open source, peer-reviewed and audited software; developed by some of the most privacy-conscious engineers in the world; and protected by Switzerland’s strictest privacy laws. We have integrated Kolab Now’s new office apps into a space so safe and private that even future Edward Snowdens would feel okay using them.

Kolab Now’s online office allows you to edit and comment on complex text documents.

Then again, you don’t have to be an NSA whistleblower to want to use Kolab Now’s office applications. You could be an investigative journalist writing alongside a confidant, a doctor sharing patients’ information with colleagues. You may be CEO charged with protecting your company’s competitive advantage. You could be a teacher working with underage students. Or maybe you are just a private citizen that prefers to keep your personal documents… well, personal. Whoever you are and whatever you do, if you value your privacy, you will want to use Kolab Now over any other alternative. At Kolab Now we see ourselves as your accommodating, private and fiercely loyal Swiss service provider.

Kolab Now customers can immediately start using our online office suite in their web browser. Using Collabora Online behind the scenes, you get a complete word processor, spreadsheet application and presentation editor, all capable of opening a ridiculously wide range of types of documents. Of course both Microsoft Office and LibreOffice documents are supported.

Kolab Now’s online office includes a word processor, a spreadsheet app, and a presentation editor. They all support Microsoft Office document formats, LibreOffice formats, and many more.

Kolab Now’s new office suite is available for all existing and new subscribers to our Full service. You can work alone on a document or in a group, even simultaneously. One user can start a text document and invite others to a session and they can all help to shape the final text. Several users can work at the same time on filling in cells of data on the same spreadsheet. The time when you had to pass around files and you lost track of versions is gone forever.

So safe and private that even future Edward Snowdens would feel okay using it.

For Kolab Systems, offering an office suite to our users is an enormous step forward. We are continuously working on improving our services and products and we have worked very hard to provide the best and most secure service at an affordable price. With Collabora Online for Kolab Now we are taking this to another level.

And by no means are we done: among our next challenges is to provide a real time, embedded messaging service (read “chat”) to make working with your team easier and more fluid. Because, when at Kolab Systems we say “Collaborate in Confidence” we really mean it.

Stay tuned.

If you represent a news organisation and would like to learn more or want to try Kolab Now’s office apps for a review in your publication, please contact our press person and request a demo account.



Kolab Systems Media

An Open Source Independent Software Vendor developing, maintaining, supporting and providing a wide range of services around the Kolab Groupware solutions.