Quick and Dirty way to stick to doing Push-ups!

Kolayah KeeVan
3 min readJan 23, 2015

Push ups are one the most basic, effective and hated exercise on the planet. Why do we hate doing push up so much? I mean-they help improve muscular endurance, muscular strength and you can do them anywhere. You do not have to pack a gym bag, fight traffic across town and crowed into a sweaty gym to do them. They are the perfect exercise.

Every three months I do a push up challenge (30 push ups a day for 30 days). You are welcome to join us. This help encourage seasoned lifters to keep their workouts from getting stale and it gives new people a good foundation to start with. Every time I kick this off, I get the same question.

How do I get started?

This is a quick and dirty way to get started doing push ups daily. The secret is to do this like you do all other important tasks in your day. You do the hard things first. Yes, I said it. Do the hard things first.

When you wake up in the morning I suggest (after you pray, meditate or give thanks for a new day) you step out of bed and knock out as many push ups as you can. Count the ones you did and finish the rest when you are done in the bathroom.

They will be ugly at first, but You have to start somewhere!

If you cannot do a standard push up, you can always modify them. You can start off doing wall push ups. When you get stronger you can move to a counter top of dresser. Eventually your body will get stronger and adapt to this.

When these modified push ups become too easy, it’s time to get on the floor and rock out the knees down version. Over time you will build more upper body strength to rep out standard push ups. Pay close attention to your form and make small rep improvements over time. If you want to join us in our push up challenge, follow me on twitter @kolayahkeevan and use the hash-tag #30daypushupchanllenge when you post and/or tweet your pic.

If this helped you in any way, go ahead and recommend it below.

