A new member is joining our team and more!.

Kolin Platform
2 min readJan 23, 2019


We have a new Chief Technology Officer.

Jose D. Guzman is a Civil Engineer in Informatics with more than 20 years of experience at Corporative level. Some interesting facts about him:

  • An expert informatician graduated in 1989.
  • With vast experience leading developing teams.
  • Corporative advisor to multiple enterprises from a variety of sectors.

Welcome to our team!

Do you also want to join our team?. Contact us at admin@kolinplatform.com

We want to also inform you that we are currently under review by

and filling out our application for the Waves development grants.

Share the Kolin project with the world, just refer to this graphical overview made specifically for you!.

You can also know more about our team and the Kolin project by visiting our interactive Whitepaper at http://docs.kolinplatform.com/

Further news to come. Have a nice day.

The Kolin Team

Originally published at https://mailchi.mp/3f9ab396fa34/updates-about-kolin-platform



Kolin Platform

Kolin is an acronym of "Konscienco Lingvo" which in Esperanto means "Conscious Language". https://kolinplatform.com