List of 5 Best Practices for Software Development in 2022

3 min readJan 26, 2022


In these modern times, the pressure on software developers has never been greater. This is because the demand for technology is increasing, and the software development process isn’t simple. This makes it collectively challenging for programmers to consistently achieve higher quality apps that meet end-user needs. It is important to apply proper coding and review standards in developments to make sure your development process functions efficiently.

As we all know, software development is a fast-changing industry leveraged by cutting-edge technologies and scalable methodologies.

In this article, we’re going to discuss software development best practices that will help you to keep your development projects simple, cost-effective, and of course, high quality.

  1. Code Simplicity

To make your development process effective and easy, make sure to write codes simple. It helps developers to eliminate unwanted complexity in software development projects.

In software development, simplicity is appreciated in the following forms:

  • Conciseness
  • Easily testable
  • Human readable
  • Clear separation from client code and services.

2. Testing

Testing continuously will give you more self-confidence in your code quality and ensure that the code aligns with user requirements. So make sure that all your software development components work mutually as expected. Continuous testing also increases your code coverage.

3. Code Coherence

Coherence is defined as the quality of being logical, consistent, and forming a unified whole. Which from my point of view directly relates to how system design should be handled:

  • Logical: System design decisions should be justified, following a clear line of thought.
  • Consistent: System design decisions should be compatible, in agreement, with its current state.
  • Unified whole: System components should fit together, seamlessly working alongside each other.

Below are listed five major practical guidelines on how to manage system design coherence in software projects.

  1. Create and follow coding standards and conventions
  2. Implement clear software architectures
  3. Programming languages, Frameworks, and Tools
  4. Involve your team in system design decisions
  5. The All-in rule

4. Code Reviews

Code review is a software quality assurance activity in which one or several people check a program mainly by viewing and reading parts of its source code, and they do so after implementation or as an interruption of implementation. At least one of the persons must not be the code’s author. The persons performing the checking, excluding the author, are called “reviewers”.

Although the direct discovery of quality problems is often the main goal, code reviews are usually performed to reach a combination of goals.

  • Better code quality
  • Finding defects
  • Learning/Knowledge transfer
  • Increase sense of mutual responsibility
  • Finding better solutions
  • Complying with QA guidelines, ISO/IEC standards

5. Estimation

Project estimation is a complex process that revolves around predicting the time, cost, and scope that a project requires to be deemed finished. But in terms of software development or software engineering, it also takes the experience of the software development company, the technique they have to utilize, the process they need to follow in order to finish the project (Software Development Life Cycle). Project Estimation requires the use of complex tools & good mathematics as well as knowledge about planning.

Ultimately, there are six critical elements of a project that benefit from the use of project estimating techniques.

  • Cost
  • Time
  • Scope
  • Risk
  • Resources
  • Quality

After going through such useful tips, are you planning to develop your upcoming project from the best software solution provider? But still, confused to choose the right software development company? If so, please visit our website today!

We are experts in creating imaginative business software using the latest technologies by deploying speedy solutions that enable businesses to leverage digital trends to get a competitive advantage. We deliver customized bespoke software development solutions to our clients.

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Nayoma Eranjith — Head of Engineering

Konekt Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.

