Circumvent Your Bad Habits In 1 Step

You’ll kick yourself for not doing this sooner

Kori D. Miller
5 min readJan 29, 2020
Image by Daryl Bambic from Pixabay

Habits are part of who we are. There’s really no way around that fact. Some of our habits are reflex, others have been automatized because we do them so often, and others are still purposeful.

I like to think of habits as pieces in a puzzle. They all fit together to make the big picture. Sometimes the end result is exactly as we’d expect. Other times, one of the pieces is broken and isn’t all that useful. It might sort of, kind of, complete the picture, but it’s not quite filling everything in.

Sometimes a piece still has a bit of cardboard along its edge. These pieces don’t quite fit the way they should. We have to work to push them into place. Even then, the piece might stick out a bit.

We always seem to notice the piece that just doesn’t quite fit.

We have to ask ourselves if we can live with the end result.

If you’re anything like me (and you probably are ’cause you’re reading this) the answer is likely “no.”

