Unleash Your Greatness

3 ways to achieve excellence every day

Kori D. Miller
5 min readJan 20, 2020
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Do you believe prodigies have an innate inclination toward excellence? That is, are they, more than others, born with the capacity for excellence? Or, is excellence something every person can develop and achieve?

How you answer these questions will give you insights into why you are or are not achieving your big, audacious goals, and maybe even some of your smaller ones.

Achieving excellence is, in part, about your mindset. Here’s more about that if you’re curious.

Current research supports the idea that excellence, like many other traits, can be learned. It can be developed and cultivated over time and with great attention.

The people we point to throughout history — Mozart, Michael Jordon, Bobby Fisher, Simone Biles, Judit Polgar, and others — tend to excel in a particular domain. Are there exceptions? Yes, DaVinci for one. Generally, though, the single domain idea holds true.

