Hint hint! How to let him know what you want.

3 min readJan 31, 2017


Valentines Day is around the corner and for some ladies that means fake smiles and disappointment.So don’t let that happen! Here are our top tips on how to let him know what you want so this February 14th has the happy ending you want.

‘Please don’t be another novelty mug…’

Subtle Suggestions

We all know guys can get a bit stuck when it comes to choosing presents so sometimes you need to give them a bit of help. The most important part is to pick your moment. Don’t try and drop hints while he’s busy doing something else because he won’t take in what you’re saying. Wait until you’re doing something together like watching TV or going on a walk. Wait until he’s in a good mood as well, and he’ll be more likely to take what you say on board. When you bring up the topic, use phrases like ‘A few of my colleagues went to the Ritz for champagne. I’ve always wanted to do that.’ or ‘My favourite perfume is currently on offer. I love wearing it for special occasions’. See? Small, but hopefully effective.


Leave Little Clues

Little clues are good if you know he’s finding it hard to think of something. He’s probably looking for ideas so you just need to put them where he’ll find them! Maybe turn down the corner of the page for the skirt you’ve been lusting after in a magazine. Or to be less subtle, leave the magazine open on the right page!


Leave BIG Clues

Big clues are the for the guy who can’t take a hint. We’re talking leave-the-browser-page-of-your-dream-Chanel-lipstick-ready-for-him-to-buy-on-his-own-laptop big. Or walking into the store and pointing at the rose gold AppleWatch you so desperately need and saying ‘I want that’. It’s not subtle, but it works.

Make sure you’re not just getting flowers. Again.

And if all else fails… TELL HIM!

Happy Valentines!




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