
Megan Kovacs
1 min readOct 8, 2015


My goal, not only for this project but in general, is really feel what its like to be a part of something in such a big community. Gettting a good education is my number one focus, but that does not mean I am limited to just staying in and studying my textbooks everynight. Joining a sorority has already taught me so many things about myself I didn’t know and shining a light on the things I did know. For example, learning how to manage my time has become my number one job since I joined Kappa. It has taught me that college life is serious and I am working towards my future, compared to high school where your goal was to find your next school. The influence that some girls have had on me academically is amazing. For example, I am interested in the business route and an older member is starting to guide me on a path she sees fit for me. I have access to numerous textbooks and study quides at the house from members taking certain courses in the past. My goal is to earn a GPA of 3.8 or higher my freshman year and I believe joining a sorority will help me obtain this goal.

