Survey #2

Megan Kovacs
1 min readOct 30, 2015


My next step was to create a survey for the girls in my sorority to get a feel of why they rushed and what factors influenced their decision. My first question was “why did you decide to rush?” A majority of them answered because a member of their family had rushed and recommended it, and another popular answer was they had friends that rushed and send it was the best choice they made. My next question asked if their parents income had an factor in their decision. A majority said no, but for the girls that answered yes said it was because their parents income was higher, they were given the opportunity to rush. I feel like this was for most of the girls, even including me. I next asked if anyone had taken advantage of any scholarship chances, and out of the 25 that took the survey, only 1 answered yes. This upseted me and I wish that number was higher. My next plan could dig deeper into why not many girls did apply for any scholarships. I next asked if being in a sorority causes any stress and how you may handle it, and every girl answered it does cause some sort of stress. Many answered that having a calender and writing down everything helps, and some even answered being in the sorority is their stress relevier! My next goal would be to interview girls in multicultural sororities and see what made them choose it over panhel.

