Introducing KratosDAO an OHM fork on Optimism with a Real DAO for Seed Funds Investments.

4 min readNov 21, 2021


Note: While we are not associated with OlympusDAO, we would love to discuss any form of partnership if there is some benefit to it for both DAOs. We have forked the audited OlympusDAO contracts without any changes, apart from the token supply and ticker symbol changes. We might be choosing different stablecoins to pair it with for bonding and liquidity. We will get our contracts audited post-launch. That being said, here’s a statement of precautions so we are transparent. So far the OlympusDAO contract seems to be working perfectly fine without any bugs or hacks. Please note the Defi projects and Optimism chains are in their early stages and therefore they are experimental and full of risk. Invest at your own discretion.

Billionaire investor Mark Cuban sees the intrinsic value of DAOs. “The future of corporations could be very different as DAOs take on legacy businesses,” he tweeted in May. “Entrepreneurs that enable DAOs can make money. If the community excels at governance, everyone shares in the upside.”

The Problem

DAO, the word is thrown around left right and center without actually truly extracting the essence and justifying it to the contributors. There’s a lot of DAOs out there, which is kind of a secret society that are closed groups consisting of KOLs and Influencers who get in early. They put a barrier by making newcomers holding specific numbers of tokens or a reserved price to enter. Keeping people like us out of reach, the entry to the club is reserved only for elites and business moguls with huge stacks of cash. We are on the sideline and there’s no true DAO that exists which gives rights to all individuals without that huge barrier to enter.


What is a DAO?

A distributed autonomous organization (DAO) is for people to coordinate funding, labor, time and social capital. The governance of DAOs is distributed, with all funds and assets managed on-chain via smart contracts. There’s no board of directors, nor is there central control of the organization. They coordinate components of the soft human-facing layer of crypto: money, social capital, reputation and attention. They give power to individuals upon crowd consensus, and are inherently a political tool.

DAOs are decentralized, which means they aren’t governed by one person or entity. The rules and governance of each DAO is coded in smart contracts on the blockchain and cannot be changed unless voted upon by the DAO’s members.

What is KratosDAO bringing to the table?

KratosDAO stands on the shoulders of giants and finds itself honored to be part of the contributing frontier of Web 3.0. But that is just the beginning.

Charlie Munger’s Mental Model

… it is not enough to think problems through forward. You must also think in reverse, much like the rustic who wanted to know where he was going to die so that he’d never go there. Indeed, many problems can’t be solved forward. And that is why the great algebraist, Carl Jacobi, so often said: “invert, always invert.” And why Pythagoras thought in reverse to prove that the square root of two was an irrational number. — Charlie Munger

OlympusDAO has accumulated a huge reserve in their treasury. What if we use a portion (10 or 20% — decided by the DAO) of the stablecoins that’s in the treasury and make a better use of it by investing in Seed/Private rounds via the DAO community? We can maximize the ROI by investing in vetted projects by our DAO members.

The most important aspect of KratosDAO is transparency. Every decision within the DAO is pitched, discussed, voted on and documented publicly.

For too long the value that communities create online has been captured by platforms, not people. We believe web 3 and social tokens invert this old dynamic and return ownership to creators and their communities.

Tokens give communities super powers. Today, groups of people using accessible, on-chain tools can leverage tokens to capitalize, reward, govern and grow collective value on the internet.

While it’s never been easier to issue a community token, the path to developing one with lasting utility and influence requires a holistic approach spanning governance, tokenomics, incentives and community organization.

KratosDAO brings community leaders, brands, investors and builders together to solve these complex problems and bring the best community tokens to market. When a group of like-minded individuals come together, they can achieve success that cannot be rivalled.

This is how the treasury gonna work.

The value backed per Kratos will go up in price as per ROI.

To stay up to date follow us on Twitter and join the community on Discord.




Building a decentralized reserve currency of Optimism.