KreaitorAI Final Engineering Updates — 1.2

Weekly Work Updates

4 min readJan 7, 2024

We have implemented all the planned features, as in the development plan 1.2 article. All the features previously planned will be live soon on the platform.

In the Engineering Update 1.2 article, we implemented features such as Mobile PWA, Desktop PWA, Text to Speech, Chrome Extension Launch, and some frontend bug fixes. In this article, you will see the final feature updates of the development plan 1.2.

Our final engineering update 1.2 includes:

  • Multilingual Support for the KreaitorAI Platform
  • Twitter and Social Media Preview — Image Caption Generation
  • Create your meme template — Meme Generation
  • Search via Voice Input
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Audio Transcription
  • Email Generator

Multilingual Support for the KreaitorAI Platform

KreaitorAI now offers multilingual support, breaking down language barriers for users worldwide. Users can effortlessly generate content in their preferred language, enhancing accessibility and global reach. With our commitment to inclusivity, KreaitorAI empowers users to create and communicate in the language that best suits their needs.

A separate profile section for the user is also created where the user can view their profile, update their profile, and set language preferences for text and voice. The Profile API that our team has created will still be developed in the next plan to support other user profile options.

Twitter and Social Media Preview — Image Caption Generation

Improve your social media presence with KreaitorAI’s image caption generation for Twitter and other platforms. The platform’s intelligent algorithms analyze images and suggest captions that reach your audience. Now, you can preview the generated captions and images to know the look of your original Twitter and Instagram posts.

Create your own meme template — Meme Generation

Use your creativity with KreaitorAI’s meme generation feature, which now allows users to create personalized meme templates. Now you can generate humor and shareable content specifically to your style, building a unique online identity. The platform’s intuitive interface makes meme creation a self-explanatory feature of KreaitorAI. From viral trends to custom jokes, KreaitorAI enables users for flexibility.

Search via Voice Input

Experience a type-free search experience with KreaitorAI’s voice input feature. Users can now simply speak their queries, enabling a more natural and convenient interaction. The platform’s advanced voice recognition technology ensures an accurate understanding of diverse accents and languages.

Social Media Analytics

Gain insights into your social media performance with KreaitorAI’s social media analytics feature. Track engagement, reach, and audience demographics to refine your content strategy. Easy-to-understand visualizations help users make informed decisions for quality online presence.

Audio Transcription

Now you can convert spoken words into text with KreaitorAI’s user-friendly audio transcription feature. The platform’s advanced Natural language processing algorithms ensure high-quality transcriptions, capturing nuances and details.

Email Generator

Simplify your Email content creation using KreaitorAI’s Email Generator. Create clear emails with ready-to-use templates adaptable to different situations. Save time and maintain a consistent tone with the platform’s intelligent email generation features. Whether it’s business dealings or personal notes, KreaitorAI enables users to communicate with confidence across various scenarios.

Stay tuned as we move forward! We will speed up the developmental process and bring exciting changes to our community. Next, we will publish the platform development 1.3 plan for the next fortnight.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts and suggestions (Feedback) with us. Thank you for being part of the KreaitorAI journey!




Read Writings from KreaitorAI. Introducing KreaitorAI: Empowering creators, marketers and developers with powerful AI tools.