Starting Back to School at 38

Kris Charles
3 min readDec 1, 2021


In August of this year, I made the spontaneous choice to enroll back in school. I have thought about it. I have talked about it. Even started the steps many, many times. So, what made this time different? And why did I just jump in without thinking it through? Because if I stopped to think, I would not have done it.

I started out in college for the first time in 2002. I left in 2004. A mix of financial issues and the fact I did not know what I wanted out of school, out of life. I am smart, no doubt about that. I would have done great in any area I choose. I work hard. I also play hard. But I was bored. And when I get bored, I tend to derail my life.

And that is exactly what I did.

I went and hung with a bad crowd, drinking, and other things. I racked up credit card debt, destroyed my credit, and did not think of consequences.

Then my dad died.


And now the the person that believed in me the most was gone? I fell into drinking all the time. I did not care about my life, my job, nothing. I became numb. I worked. I drank. I passed out. And I did all over again.

So, what pulled me out?


I love my hobby of writing stories. I even publish myself. But it is not my dream. Yes, it would be awesome to see everybody reading something I wrote. Maybe seeing it made into a movie. But, that is not what fuels me. I write to share my stories. If people love them great, if not, okay.

So, it pulled me from my drinking.

Then after that all I did was work, occasionally write when I had the chance.

But I was still going through the motions of life.

With one major regret.

With less than a year of school, I quit college.

It was something I always came back to as I passed year by year, working, occasionally hanging out with friends, and writing when I had the chance. But it all came down to money.

Then in 2019 I finally paid off all my student loans, even though I still have fourteen thousand dollars in credit card debt I am working on, and I thought, do I want to go through that again?

I thought about it, planned it. Then backed out. Money. When would I find the time?

Then the pandemic happened.

For a year I did nothing. Literally all traveling stopped. I worked all the time. And feel into a depression so deep, I could not even write a short story.

One day I saw an email from the advisor of Upper Iowa University. She was just wondering if I thought about enrolling again, as we talked about it in 2019.

Within three days I was enrolled.

And now almost four classes completed with a 4.0 GPA… I am happy.

I have a schedule, it is tight, with the day job, standard life, etc, adding on two classes that last eight weeks each session. That is another 20–30 hours a week dedicated to school. And money is tight.

But I am happy.

I made a five year plan.

Three years to complete my BS in Business Administration and Psychology (I just really like Psychology, but may just make that a minor and cut my time to my BS). Then two years to get my MBA. And then I want to open a bakery.

A bakery.

Why go through all that debt and work just to own my own business?

Because it makes me happy. I want that paper. I have truly regretted not finishing my degree since I was twenty years old.

So, at 38 I went back. I won’t be finished with my BS until I am 41. My MBA until I am 43. And who knows, maybe I will go for that doctorate.

I am doing it for myself.

And guess what?

That is all that matters.

And maybe I will even post a few of my papers I am writing on here.

Let everybody know how I am doing in class.

Wish me luck.

And find what makes you happy!



Kris Charles

Your Silver-Tongued Neighborhood Pan Loving Agender Author! They/Them