A Lesbian Reminiscing about the Last Decade

Kris Alexandria
5 min readJan 13, 2020
Photo by Mercedes Mehling on Unsplash

It’s getting dark and I’m straining my eyes against the light of my screen trying to make a decision. Should I publish this or leave it collecting cobwebs in my drafts for another two weeks. Why not forever?

Eventually, my inner voice tells me to publish.

It’s important to find a story that you can relate too. Or, at least, try to identify with. We all want to belong and being a member of the LGBT community can be lonely.

Maybe, this story can connect with someone and that alone makes allowing myself to be vulnerable worth it.

The year is 2020 and a new commercial for The L Word Generation Q plays across the television as I’m celebrating the holidays with my family. The screen transports me back a decade ago to 2010. It’s the year I first watched the show. It’s also the year when I first started coming out to more people other than myself.

By the way, I’m a lesbian. Nice to meet you. I’m sure the title of this piqued your interest so you know this information already. If not, hello, I’m gay. Anyway, I’m glad this intro is out of the way so we can move on.

Say what you want about The L Word (2004–2009) but at the time it was one of the only shows available with open LGBT representation. I also didn’t say it was the best representation but it…



Kris Alexandria

Blogger, fiction writer, and cat wrangler. I’m just trying to make this writing thing work.