Stop Giving Your 100% to People Who Give You 50%

3 min readSep 20, 2023
Photo by Davide Pietralunga on Unsplash

In life, we are often taught to give our all, to put in 100% effort, and to go the extra mile.

It’s a noble sentiment, one that encourages us to be selfless and compassionate.

But what happens when we consistently give our best to those who only offer us half of what we deserve?

This is a lesson I’ve learned the hard way: it’s essential to stop giving your 100% to people who give you 50%.

It’s a common scenario.

You pour your heart and soul into a relationship, a friendship, or even a job, expecting the same level of commitment in return.

You invest your time, energy, and emotions, believing that your efforts will be reciprocated.

But too often, they aren’t.

Instead, you find yourself feeling drained, unappreciated, and unfulfilled.

I’ve been there, and I’ve come to realize that it’s a harmful cycle.

It’s like trying to fill a bucket with a hole in it – no matter how much water you pour in, it keeps leaking out, leaving you perpetually unsatisfied.

So, why do we do it?

Why do we continue to give our all when we’re only getting half in return?

