Equality, Justice, and Internet for All

Kristin Davis
3 min readJan 18, 2016


In preparation for celebrating the birth of one of the most influential egalitarian leaders of the earth’s history, I’ve gathered just a few thoughts, quotes, and a video to share. I hope you find this collection as inspiring as I have felt to be inspired while compiling it. With the hopes that the messages from these great leaders will shine brighter with synergy, I’ve chosen to share this with Creative Commons 0. Please feel free to use, mold and build upon this work which so many have loved, lived, and died for so that we may all one day be free. — Happy Birthday, dear Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!

December 24, 2014, I wrote a piece titled “Digital Samaritans in the Post Industrial Space” (https://goo.gl/uQIt52). In it I stated:

Friend or foe, no longer are we alien. Living in our postindustrial society means we have access to far greater amounts of knowledge about cultures and customs than ever before. We no longer need to be enemies fighting over land because land is no longer the highest sought commodity. Knowledge is. Or rather, it’s the processing of knowledge that is most important to furthering this information-connection age.

Everything to know is on a page somewhere, says Ammon Johns. And so we no longer need to guard what we discover and hoard it away. Instead we ought to turn our attention to the sharing of our knowledge to grow the knowledge economy.
~Seek to enlighten; and ye shall find enlightenment.

As much as I earnestly believe in these ideals, I’ve grown enough online to learn that they are still just that — ideals. Only when internet service is able to reliably spread across all of the world — notably Africa — will we truly begin to live as one #GlobalNation.

As long as there is an imbalance in access to information, then we have, at best, a hazy picture of our potential.

We must do as Bill Gates suggests and apply our knowledge to dissipate inequality and nurture the knowledge economy.

One of the most important questions I’ve learned to ask is how I can help. When we assume we know all the answers and force our voice upon a sea of ears, it’s easy to miss the still small voice whispering to us that thing we hadn’t thought of before. …Listening with a clear and open mind is a skill honed by patience, practice, and passion for wanting to do better.

(I promise I’ll be quiet soon.)


By the grace of David Weinberger and Doc Searls, we the people of the internet have been given some new clues to help us out with growing an ethical backbone. All in favor of net-ethics — say aye. AYE!

As promised, here is a video. Appropriately titled, “Heroes” captures just a few amazing moments in history when mere persons became lighthouses, calling to weary ships sailing in an eternal sea of wanting…

  • We want freedom
  • We want justice
  • We want opportunity

Let’s be THAT generation which Nelson Mandela, Anne Frank, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and all of our great leaders dreamed of…

And let us make freedom our dream for all.



Kristin Davis

Community Dev @RiteKit w/ a strong interest in ethics, impact, semantics, search, and SaaS.