Let the Countdown Begin…

Memorial Day Weekend 2017

Kristin Davis


I’m not quite sure what Daniel and I are doing this holiday weekend but I’m certain there’s going to be alcohol involved. (This is your fair warning that across the web there might be some awesome content coming from this content-making machine.😎😏)

-And so before you uncircle, block, or report me, please allow me to provide some exposition. If you still feel inclined to do any of those things rather than simply put me on your mute list until after I turn then that’s your prerogative. Just know that you might miss a flash of an aha! moment… lucid, entertaining, zen-like… human.


In a state of transition, my current/ former boyfriend and I are approaching our timely breakup point — and we’re doing it in a slightly unconventional way. Together for about 6 years or so, we’ve grown close enough to develop a great and pure love that exceeds the sort of temporal selfish love so common in today’s day. Are there things we could have done differently to make this relationship work? Perhaps. But in the end it really all comes down to one thing.

I want a baby and he doesn’t.

It’s interesting to note how very uniquely our minds work. While we both have been the less dominantly involved parent in our children’s lives, the effects of such circumstances have developed within us vastly contrasting desires. Daniel can’t stand the thought of even the possibility of bringing another child in the world — only to be hurt again — and I want a child with a sane person that no one can ever take away.

As our past, present, and hope for the future all mingle together to lead us into our respective desired journeys, we will forever have the memories and lessons which bind us to look back upon with fondness and understanding. I am because he is, and he is because I am.

My moving date is June 29th but until that day, we’re gonna party like we’re still together because in a way we always will be.

…music break.



Kristin Davis

Community Dev @RiteKit w/ a strong interest in ethics, impact, semantics, search, and SaaS.