Pigs Fly. Next Question.

What can I do for my community?

Kristin Davis
4 min readJan 24, 2017

Donald J. Trump

American businessman. Television personality. Politician. My President.

They said it would never happen. They said America is too smart to elect him. And now that pigs are flying… We’ve got to be constructive.

While spitting in the face of all of the many citizens who turned out to vote for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last November, our fiercely defended country worked its magic precisely in the way it was designed to do and our president and vice-president were elected via the electoral college. Now we have a whole new cast of characters to get to know. #Winning Kind of.

Our governing system worked how it should, but questions remain and citizens demand answers. Some are desirous to learn what will become of the new president’s campaign promises. Like, should we start planning the going-away party for our healthcare, arts, and our good friend Arturo? Or can we wait awhile and see if the Hill works it out? Others continue to question what role various entities had in the outcome of our election. And believe it or not — there are still some sad citizens wandering around and shaking their heads in protest. But we had the most votes! Every way you paint it, our national political environment is number one tricky.

But even with all the many questions left unanswered, confusion in light of the election, and fear that many of us have for a future we can’t plan, I’d say things are looking up. In fact, our future has never been brighter BECAUSE we’ve elected President Trump. You want to know why?

The wall of ignorance is finally coming down.

Brick by brick, people are waking up and realizing that we can’t ignore politics anymore. No longer is it that thing that you avoid talking about in order to be polite. Politics is you, me, and the others. Politics is life. Too few citizens realize their potential to make a powerful impact on the world around them. Who even made up that awful rule about avoiding religion and politics anyway? Someone without social skills no doubt.

Speaking of social skills… Though it’s become fashionable to be an activist as of late, you don’t need to go to Washington to make a difference. There are numerous ways you can change your community by volunteering, and plenty of organizations are more than happy to help you find a match according to your interests. If it’s change that you want, start local. Donate, fundraise, volunteer, stay informed, and spread the word. All of these actions are needed across countless causes year-round — not just when you get to wear a cool pink hat in unison with all your gal pals. No offense, marchers. What you did was amazing. See→ even President Trump was impressed.


So now that you’ve gained attention, please continue the good fight. We need new people to join the ranks of social advocates because you bring a freshness that can’t be replicated. I hope they warned you at that march though that becoming socially aware is bittersweet. It’s like getting a new pair of prescription glasses. You put them on and finally see everything you had been missing for all this time. New colors, shapes, depth. Seeing the world through the eyes of the persecuted changes you forever. You cannot look away. But that’s good. Don’t ever look away. Look harder.

As to President Trump’s Tweet, I’d just like to say that I was so completely shocked at how nice it was. I totally didn’t expect him to have anything kind to say about the march. I was wrong. And I believe that we’re ALL wrong when we dismiss another human being’s potential to change. It may not be tomorrow or even next week, but eventually he will see what we see and understand his position as the leader of a great America calling for inclusivity. We need to be patient and we need to be steadfast. I don’t think we’ll get his ear without trying to listen to him first though. So I made something. =)

“Liberal” Interpretation of President Trump’s 2017 Inaugural Address

Music: Somewhere Out There (An American Tail, 1986); Full Inaugural address may be found at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/ (2017)

I originally created a condensed version of the Inaugural address because my boyfriend didn’t want to watch the full version of it — only highlights. I thought it would be fun to show him what was going through my head as I watched our new leader pledge his service to all Americans — minus the parts I just absolutely couldn’t stand of course.

It’s true. I left a lot of President Trump’s words and phrases out of this creative arrangement. But the fact that I left so much in there is revelatory! What started out as a silly thing for me and my guy became a source of strength and calming assurance that we haven’t elected Satan. We’ve elected a human — worthy of every human right we seek to establish for all, including the right to a good education. So let’s give it to him! Let’s educate our President! If we’re focused and constructive with the time we allocate for advocacy and activism, we will not fail to penetrate the hearts and minds of our leaders and fellow citizens with our message. Together, we will transform our country and we’ll be triumphant in the face of adversity.

Let the pigs fly.



Kristin Davis

Community Dev @RiteKit w/ a strong interest in ethics, impact, semantics, search, and SaaS.