The Truth About ‘Loser Teachers’

What Donald Trump Jr. needs to learn about education

Kristin Karnitz
5 min readFeb 12, 2019
Credit: elenabs/Getty Images

Many moments during the Trump administration have broken me, but for the most part, it’s a lot of empty chatter. At any speaking event, Donald Trump bombards us with the same regurgitated talking points, and the schtick has gotten stale. We’ve picked it apart and debunked all the lies so many times that, at this point, it just sounds like the teacher in the Charlie Brown specials: “Mwha wha wha wha womp.”

But at a rally on February 11, Donald Trump Jr. took to the podium and said something that made my heart stop momentarily and then pound with the rage of a boxer hitting a punching bag:

Keep up that fight. Bring it to your schools. You don’t have to be indoctrinated by these loser teachers that are trying to sell you on socialism from birth.

That’s right. He said “loser teachers.”

Among the breaking points I’ve reached with our current leadership, this one hit me particularly hard. Maybe it’s my mood, maybe it’s the endless winter weather, or maybe it’s something I ate. Maybe it’s because the very foundation of our education system was being attacked. But it left me feeling sick.

I come from a long line of “loser teachers.” I am the granddaughter of a loser teacher. The…



Kristin Karnitz

Minivan-driving, shower-singing, wine-drinking, Packer-loving Boy Mom. Feet, floor, coffee, door