Sanctuary cities blocks executive order

Kristine Dizon
The Ethnic Voice
Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2017

News from Balitang America

Screenshot from Balitang America

“From travel bans on Muslim countries, increased immigration raids, crackdowns on sanctuary cities, as well as a review of the guest worker visa program — the courts have already blocked three of his executive orders,” Steve Angeles reports in Balitang America. With Trump’s 100 days, Trump aggressively used his executive order on immigration.

Trump promised to tackle on immigration policies and an example of that is the travel ban. In able to be protected is to become a citizen of this country. Most people are afraid it might be harder to become a citizen because Trump tends to be unpredictable on the issue.

“Pro-Immigrant elected officials like Congresswoman Judy Chu and LA City Councilman David Ryu say becoming a US citizen can be a safeguard against deportations, provide easier travel, and allow for family petitions — no matter what the President’s next orders will call for,” reports Angeles. Furthermore, the article adviced that the money is not issue through the process because there are fee waivers and reduced programs.



Kristine Dizon
The Ethnic Voice

Currently a senior at Calif. State University, Northridge. I have a voracious appetite and I am looking forward to a new food trip.