How to yolo into meme coins EARLY for fun and profit

Believing in the power of memes

4 min readApr 11, 2024

We have seen the power of memes in the crypto space with coins like $WIF and $BONK getting to over a billion in volume on some days.

People buy meme’s and own them because they are cool. And it is fun.

$BONK printed new millionaires when it took off
$WIF has over 500 million in volume and its only lunchtime

In 2020, Elon made a tweet about the OG memecoin, Dogecoin ($DOGE), and it went up 20%.

the key is to get in early, scroll down to find out how to do that for 2024

Most people do not do “Due diligence” or think twice about buying a meme coin they see the meme, they laugh, they buy. Pretty simple.

Warren Buffet said to invest in products that people don’t think about buying. Which is one of the reasons he went so heavy into Coca-Cola in the mid 80s. People don’t think about the price before buying a coke, they like it so they just buy it.

We saw the true power of memes in Jan 2021. Wall street bets put $GME memes on billboards all over the country and the stock price squeezed Hedge Fund Melvin Capital and they lost 53% of their 12.5 Billion dollar portfolio value in 1 day.

Gamestop ($GME) stonk hodlrs decided they were tired Big Money’s big greed.

GME Jan 2021
don’t risk more then you can afford to lose

How to get in EARLY!


Phantom Wallet


Dex Screener

  1. ) Buy Solana on Coinbase.
using post only orders will get you better prices if you aim for dips and your fees will get lower the more trades you make
  1. ) Withdraw to your own wallet.
click solana
click solana and then +receive
click copy to get your address, paste into coinbase when you go to withdraw, use a test transaction

Here is some more information about using phantom wallets if you are not familiar.

  1. ) Go to and filter new pairs by Solana.
on the new pairs page click filters
click “All Platforms”
Solana is still the winner of this bull run so far because its the easiest to get in and out of due to low cost, high speed transactions.
Sort by less than 1 hour old and now you have a list of the brand new coins on the Solana network

That is how I found a gem like Noike (check out and go to their TG to see why I didn’t dump and why I am still buying the dips)

click the copy button next to the name of the coin you like, we like noike’s memes

Now that you have copied your contract address like in the above screen shot we need to go over to

paste your contract address here to make sure you aren’t trading a scam copy cat
Use to DCA into a position size you are comfortable with

You can also try the automated market making liquidity pools instead of trading manually.

Some people prefer BonkBot to buy using telegram: BONKbot Telegram Bot Guide

If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments or if you have any suggestions on how I can make my guides better for new crypto users, let me know, below!

Thanks for using my link to , Solana’s largest liquidity provider and free superior staking service.

Learn more how to stake your Solana in your own wallet to over 140 validators using marinade

You can support my educational crypto articles and independent journalism by donating $SOL or $USDC directly


(This article is not financial advice. It is for educational and entertainment purposes, only)

How to store your coins

make your own validator

make your own DAO




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